Fics for 2016 ~ #034 ~ After the Credits Are Over

Nov 20, 2016 12:58

   Okay, so not the fic I was going to post next; wrote this one sometime last night (open office says I saved it at 23.41 hrs) ; rest of the details of its creation are in the authors notes (though I changed the title as I realised why it felt wrong last night; also I had to check a characters full name.

TITLE: After the Credits Are Over

kerkevik_2014 / 

FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Movie/Comics/Series)

CHARACTERS: Owen Thurman; Pike;

'SHIP: ?!? Excusing the obviously mischievous pun; sometimes a sausage is just a sausage.

SUMMARY: What happens to all those characters that don't last in Buffy's world? Do they change; learn; adapt?

A/N: Three quarters of an hour ago none of this existed; now we have a kind of Buffyverse version of the three characters walk into a bar story... I like my muse; she's constantly surprising me. We have a character here from the original movie; resurrecetd for the comic version of that movie's original script; as well as a sequel story, and we have a one-shot character from a first season story, who I've always wanted to write about; both of them I mean.

The creature circled.

Okay, he was nursing a beer at the bar; still...

His bladder was full, but that wasn't why he wanted to piss.

Then it got distracted.

Someone had come in.

Someone Human.

He watched them in the mirror.

He'd no sense for pheromones, but he felt no fear.

In them anyway.

He'd have sworn minutes but, after a few seconds, the demon slunk off to a corner table.

The seat on his right had a new occupant.

“Name's Pike; sorry I scared your girlfriend away.”

Owen groaned. Girlfriend?

The owner chuckled as she handed Pike his beer.

Goddess watch over us all,

Kerk(evik) TehKek Hiraeth

btvs post-series, buffy the movie, owen thurman, btvs s1, fics for 2016, drabbles, pike

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