Fics for 2016 ~ #035 ~ Forged Identities

Nov 20, 2016 14:55

   This was the second of two fics that I wrote the other night; but has grown from an attempted drabble, into a triple. It wanted to be short, but not as short as I originally thought it to be.

TITLE: Forged Identities

kerkevik_2014 / 

FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

CHARACTERS: Faith Lehane; Xander Harris;

LENGTH: 300,

SUMMARY: How do the characters we know and love continue to deal with the losses; gains and changes in their lives.

A/N: This is set in the femalehusband!verse; where Willow is dead, Kennedy never knew her and Faith and Tara are, at this point in the timeline, now married and parents. They did put the cart before the horse, but I've always believed the horse should have the freedom to decide to what, or whom, it should be tethered. I've also borrowed a character from the comics; only mentioned here, but I liked her, and here she is very much alive. There is also a character mentioned here that jetwolf created for her Series8 continuation, which sadly seems to have died as a result of the much-to-be-cursEd Joss Whedon fanfiction which are the current comics (I love Satsu & Renee though).

The definition of Forged in the title comes from these meanings, as in the the fire that forges steel; mythical rings etc...

X-man was waiting outside Buffy's office when she dropped off her report.

“Why do you even patrol?”
   He watched her from the door; thought about telling him where to go, but he didn't wait for her.

“You have a family now,” and she followed his gaze to the new framed photo above her desk; her, Tara and the baby the day she'd given birth. Faith felt an unfamiliar sensation at that.

Heart tightening, she pushed past him and strode down the corridor to the coffee machine in the Commissary.

He followed.

Of course he did; man had he cornered, morally, having helped her deliver her child... and because of what she'd nearly done to him. He could be like a dog with a bone about things like that.

Chrissie had also had a crush on him when she'd first arrived; never become a lover, like Renee; mostly because the X-Man always remembered when she was twelve.

How could she explain to him that she needed to kill the demons herself; before Kennedy got here. Not that anyone would blame her, but Kenn had responsibilities that didn't allow for personal revenge.

She would always be a Slayer even so, and Chrissie had been one of her first trainees; only her being thirteen had mitigated against her following Kenn to London all those years ago. She'd done Kennedy proud though; buying her own trainees the time they needed to escape.

He watched her preparing two cups of coffee; grunted and went off to make his trademark; near-as-fuck Fenway Dogs he'd created for her thirtieth birthday.

Watching the coffee dripping she wondered how to explain, so he'd understand.

Then something Buffy had told her many years ago came to mind; back before the Great Sundering, which had nearly killed them both.

“It's who I am,” she told him when he returned.
   They dined in silence.

Goddess preserve us in these dark times,

Kerk(evik) TehKek Hiraeth

btvschosen. jetwolf, xander, btvs au, fics for 2016, potentials, chrissie, tara maclay, faith/tara, femalehusband!verse, faith lehane, drabbles, kennedy

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