Had a beautiful day travelling up the east coast of Scotland to Aberdeen; dark already, but I've had a wonderful time listening to a radio programme about the male voice choir formed around Aberfan two years after the disaster forty-eight years ago. Set my spirit tingling listening to them,
Here's a drabble.
TITLE: Lost in Transition
kerkevik_2014 /
kerkevik_2014 FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
CHARACTERS: Buffy Summers; Rona;
LENGTH: 100,
SUMMARY: With all the Slayers in the world; new ones coming all the time, without having to be one who replaces another who's died... what futures will open up for Slayers who don't want to be on the frontline anymore, now that this is an actual option?
A/N: Rona seems to be getting into my muse's brain, which is strange in one way because it wasn't until the final episode, really, that she really impinged on my consciousness. There's definitely more to come from her.
“You play so beautifully; why not use it?”
“It... Refuge.”
Buffy could see where Rona was coming from.
“You and Vi...”
“We're not a couple.”
“... are amongst my most trusted field commanders,” she continued, ignoring the unneccessary interruption. “Ever wondered why?” Buffy added, standing up.
She moved to sit beside Rona, on her; silent, side of the desk.
“That bond you have; you've built lives of your own.”
Rona smiled, “She's a geek.”
“She also loves teaching; you both do.”
Rona glanced up; honestly perplexed.
“So teach, “ Buffy told her, who never learned. “Go teach the newbies how to life.”
Goddess preserve in these evil times,
Kerk(evik) TehKek Hiraeth