I have rediscovered the wonderful, cheesy glory which is Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?
If you are unaware, it was a cartoon series based upon the similarly-named Broderbund games, featuring the titular thief Carmen Sandiego and the ACME detective agency's attempt to capture her. It's really quite fantastic - funny, and doesn't fail too terribly to be hip and with it (which is surprising, given how very hard it attempts to be same and the usual result of such flappery.)
It's also rather desperately edumacational. So much that it, I think, could not possibly be hidden - and even so, it does not detract from the show. I'm shutting the hell up about Carmen Sandiego now, but if you like you can watch it on YouTube. At least for now. I mean, this sort of thing has a tendency to disappear every so-often, so if this link dies at some point I'll try to replace it with a picture of a cute kitten or something.
Click to view
Man, that C.H.I.E.F. is one wack and zany guy. I'd invite him to parties all the time. Sweet hair, sweet glasses. I bet there's some rule 34 on him somewhere, and if I find it I will kill each of you motherfuckers one. by. one.
In other news, my job is absolutely fucking insane. Let the following excerpt from last night's conversation between myself and
satoshi do the talking:
mailbox mistakes: gone. fucking. mad.
houjou satoshi: *hugs the kerin*
houjou satoshi: i am sorry.
houjou satoshi: i don't like it when you go mad.
mailbox mistakes: haha.
mailbox mistakes: it's not you.
mailbox mistakes: s. (cashier at work, whom i spent a lot of my time yesterday talking to about her relationship) was back, even though she didn't work, specifically to talk to me.
mailbox mistakes: because her friends/people her age, quote, don't know anything.
houjou satoshi: what the fuck?
mailbox mistakes: yeah.
mailbox mistakes: and uh. i had papers from the freight to give to k.
mailbox mistakes: so i found her in her office. sitting in front of the paper bin.
mailbox mistakes: "here you go."
"what is it?"
"truck papers, i guess."
"oh, they go right here." *points, it is behind her*
me: .... *continues to hold them for her*
her: they go in there. ???
me: uh. *puts them in*
her: you're a good man, w.
mailbox mistakes: me: ...i am aware. *leaves*
houjou satoshi: what the hell.
mailbox mistakes: DUDE I KNOW.
houjou satoshi: you have the strangest job.
mailbox mistakes: DUDE.
mailbox mistakes: i'm not even DONE. YET.
mailbox mistakes: at four-thirty, c. (chick who hits on me) gets in. she's all.
mailbox mistakes: i get out at ten.
mailbox mistakes: i can give you a ride home.
mailbox mistakes: i'm like. thanks? i get out at nine.
mailbox mistakes: later as i'm getting ready to go i'm pulling my sweater on in the hall. bam, c.'s right next to me.
mailbox mistakes: goes. oooooh.
mailbox mistakes: i love that sweater on you.
mailbox mistakes : and i'm all. i gots to go.
mailbox mistakes: and she's all HEE HEE. you want a ride home?
mailbox mistakes: hlkjf;sfdah
mailbox mistakes: ALSO. j., who earlier that same night threw an apple at me and declared himself "the king" as a result - before asking me if i would take s. as my underage sexpuppet - flipped out when i bounced a package of paper towels off his head, ranting about how it was "childish" and "disrespectful" and how he "[didn't] even know why [he] bothers anymore."
houjou satoshi: ok.
houjou satoshi: so, nyeah.
houjou satoshi: we must eliminate all of these people.
mailbox mistakes: dude, no.
mailbox mistakes: we need to find out how exactly how i got a job inside a tenchi muyo episode.
Crazy? Yeah, s'what I said. I sure love work. I've had tamer evenings out of a fucking shot-glass.
Kariad gives up on the lock as she spies the warden's keys some distance away. With a magic spell, she lifts them from afar - buoying them to her as quietly as possible. Door open, they creep up through the nearly-deserted prison - retrieving their weapons from a room several floors above. However, as they tried to exit by stealth they were spotted and the alarm sounded - and so they began to fight the rest of the way out.
Through the city above they fought, but they were soon overwhelmed - their enemy numbering in the hundreds of thousands, the mainland one hundred miles away through icy seas. Captured once more, they are brought before the island's high priest - who professes that their people hold no grudge against Kariad and Neri, and that they had merely been imprisoned for their own safety until the priest himself could come to discern what to do with them.
The high priest agrees to send them home, and does so - but refusing to answer questions about the island, or the great structure beside their temple which is shrouded by canvas and scaffolding. Nor does Neri recognize the mark of the God they worship - but soon, they are on their way aboard one of the black ships.
As they sailed through the night toward Kimtrel - the nearest Runnic city - god Luminar appeared to Neri in her dreams, instructing her to seek out the head priest of the temple there; for the time of the three Signs was upon them.