.17o x writing stuff, project crap

May 28, 2008 18:52

I'm trying to write. I took my last attempt at starting on Names (aerlun.doc) and just continued. I'm sure it's pretty crappy, but what I really need is to get back into it, get a flow going, until I hit my rhythm and the writing falls into place. It's really slow going at the moment, but if I just refuse to start over this time hopefully it'll pick up. Right now writing anything substantial would be a blessing, even fanfiction, so if a plot bunny pops up I'm going to go with it, no matter what it is.

Matter of fact, I need a morale boost. I'm going to dig up anything I've finished or written substantially on, and then I'm going to list it here. Once I'm done with the rest of my update, that is.

I'm going to start a writing community once I get back into the flow of writing. I was going to do something slightly similar to the_dead_muse, but I decided against it. That isn't what helps me most. Throughout my life, I've done the most productive, regular writing is when I have someone actively reading my work as I write, giving me encouragement... and just generally excited to read the rest of my story. So I decided that something along this premise would be the best basis for a writing community if I'm going to run one. I'm going to be calling it wisereaders, the name being derived from Orson Scott Card's 'wise reader,' which is like a more general beta reader. A wise reader doesn't necessarily critique; she reads your work and tells you which parts she enjoyed and which were less enjoyable for whatever reason. Membership is closed at the moment since I'm not ready to work on it actively, but I made it to preserve the name.

Danny bought me Twilight today, but I'm not going to start reading it just yet. He still has Deathly Hallows to get through on audiobook before starting Twilight, and I don't want to be too far ahead. I can finish the book before he starts as long as it's only a day or two before, I suppose, but if I start now I'll be done at least a week before he even starts the book. So I'm going to try finishing A Feast for Crows, which I stopped rereading partway through because schoolwork intensified.

I'm going to go ahead and include roleplaying since there are only two roleplays worth noting... and I'm going to include any finished piece of writing (whatever length) and any unfinished piece of substantial length/that I feel I progressed significantly as a writer on. Not including poetry, though I have some stashed away. The ones gauged by page number are ones I only have a hard copy of.

* Zak & Ajenkha, with Xenom, of unknown length but the only roleplay I actually ever finished [completed]
* "Intertextus Perfidii" with Rioko (she titled it), 48 pages single-spaced 9pt verdana

* The Sacred Realm, Zelda fic; two versions totaling around 50 pages single-spaced 9pt verdana
* Elemental Force v.2, Zelda fic, about 136,000 words
* Elemental Force v.3, about 75,000 words
* Elemental Force v.4, about 11,000 words
* Heart of a Werewolf, Hogwarts Marauders' era, about 48,000 words [completed]
* 5 short KH oneshots totaling around 4,500 words; 3 soriku and 2 akuroku [completed]

Original Fiction
* The first 'book' I ever wrote, ancient predecessor to Eysuria, around 100 pieces of notebook paper filled front and back in middle school [completed] [lost]
* Rewrite of the above, also around 100 pieces of notebook paper filled front and back in middle school, incomplete [lost]
* "The Solitary Chikida", short story of unknown length, origin of Eysuria's chikida [completed] [lost]
* "Unsteady Ground", around 4,500 words, 2003, predecessor to Aerlun's second incarnation [completed]
* "Plague", short story of unknown length written on notebook paper in the tenth grade or so [completed] [lost]
* "Dragon Scourge", NaNo 2005, around 15,000 words [completed]
* "On Wings of Eternal Light", NaNo 2005, around 13,500 words, Honorable Mention in Writers of the Future 2007 3rd quarter [completed]
* Blood and Heat, NaNo 2005, around 61,500 words
* "Moonfall", around 3,500 words, currently entered in WotF 3rd quarter [completed]
* "Unbroken", around 4,500 words [completed]
* "For a Soul", written for a Dead Muse challenge, short but sweet (so to speak) [completed]

Aaand that's about it. Four of the KH oneshots mentioned were loosely related, put into two series I intended to continue with other loosely related oneshots, but they were meant to stand alone as well. Looking at them again tempts me to continue with the series, only I'd want to replay KH again to do it. I've been out of KH fic and roleplaying for a long time.

Justin has me watching Princess Mononoke. I've seen two other Miyazaki movies, Spirited Away and Nausica. I'm not as big a fan as he is, but I do appreciate them. I'm half-distracted so I may not get the true impact, but the same was true with Spirited Away and I liked it well enough. The tree spirits are freaky man.

Lessee. I also updated my profile a tad with codes stolen from one of my older profiles. And that's about it.

projects, movies, books, writing

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