This is my application for
westerosorting, wanted to test it here before actually submitting it.
Name: Jessica
Age: 20
Location: Maryland
Occupation: Full-time student and part-time Starbucks barista
All About You
(It’s a little lengthier than some others, forgive my long-windedness.)
1. Describe your ideal house/home. Please go into as much detail as possible, and be sure to include your ideal geographical location in the description!.
My house would be around the area I already live in, in Maryland. My boyfriend’s family is all here, and it’s really important to him to stay near his family. I grew up a military child, so I never had a real permanent home until moving into this area, and while it would be nice to live closer to my own family, living near my boyfriend’s would be more practical. My family lives in a little rural nowhere town in Florida right now-my dad is in Korea, so my mom moved ‘home’ to be near our family. I would go stir-crazy there after living within Metro distance of all the great things in DC.
But I wouldn’t live in a treeless city area. A nice neighborhood, probably, with some trees and a park-type area within walking or biking distance that has lots of trees and nature in general. The house would be decently large, though not a mansion. There would be three bedrooms, a den, a living room, a kitchen, plenty of bathrooms, and a basement. Perhaps a separate dining room, but the dining area could be in another room.
For me: bookshelves and lots of books. Fantasy books. Perhaps an elliptical trainer or rowing machine in the basement depending on whether there’s an affordable gym nearby. A bar type area in the basement and maybe a stripper’s pole for kicks (I went to a house that had an area like this in the basement and completely loved it). A pet cat with the personality of a dog.
For Danny (the boyfriend): the den would be a magnificent movie/gaming room with an HDTV bigger than the one he has now, with tasteful shelves on one of the walls containing his massive bluray and video game collection. A Corvette or Trans Am or some similar car. A pet
malamute (which won’t eat my cat!).
2. Name three things you are afraid of. Explain.
Losing loved ones, particularly Danny. I don’t know what I would do if something like that happened. I can always call my mom or brother if I’m feeling down, have a problem, or otherwise just want to chat… and Danny means everything to me. Losing one of them or any of my other loved ones would be horrible. I had the first nightmare in my life recently (yes, the first), and it involved Danny dying.
A painful death. I’m not afraid to die, but when the time comes I want it to be quick, painless, and hopefully peaceful. Drowning, getting a slow bleeding fatal wound, or suffering a painful terminal disease are the sorts of things that scare me… and likewise for any loved ones. I was visiting my grandparents when my grandfather died, and I was terrified the whole time they were trying to save him because I didn’t know what sort of pain he was in, but once he was gone I felt more peaceful.
Getting a permanent disability along the lines of paralysis, losing a limb, blindness, deafness, etc. I’m sure if it happened I would learn to deal with it like thousands of other unfortunate souls, but I really don’t want to have to suffer it. I especially think I would lose my mind with deafness or full-body paralysis or, at least at the beginning, blindness. I can’t sleep in perfect silence, and never hearing music again would kill me. Plus, not even being able to move enough to write would drive me insane… and blindness would kill me at first but probably become manageable by learning brail, although still torturous for not being able to see loved ones’ faces or drive myself around. Again, this fear goes for loved ones as well.
3. What is your favorite aspect of your physical appearance and why?
I’m going to go with my body. Up until recently when finals and end of semester work started trampling me, I went to the gym regularly for the first time in my life and I got really toned. Of course there are still areas I can improve, and I need to get back into exercising now that the semester is over, but it’s nice that I can feel sexy.
4. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would you change and why?
My nose. I broke it pretending to be Bambi when I was little; I kicked up my ‘hind legs’ under my grandmother’s claw-footed table, my arms collapsed, and I landed directly on the lion knuckles supporting the table. I was never taken to the hospital or anything, and my nose is already slightly broad, so the knot where it was broken is large and I don’t like it.
5. Imagine you’re given the classic opportunity: a genie granting you three wishes. What would you wish for? Wishing for more wishes is not permitted!
Part of me wants to say the drive to actually start and finish the books I’ve been working on for years, but I want to do that on my own power so I’d never wish for it. So I’ll go with my classic wishes, thought up in interesting conversations with friends, and very detailed in case we got one of those tricky genies who’ll screw you around if you give him any leeway.
1. I wish that my wishes will be granted exactly as I want them to be, without any funny business or searching for loopholes.
2. I wish for the ability to give to any willing person or take away from any willing person (including myself) the ability to fly according to these conditions: flight is controlled by thought alone and does not require wings, machinery, etc; flight is not limited in speed, altitude, etc; and flight does not attract unwanted attention from radars, people on the ground, etc.
3. I wish for the ability to give to any willing person or take away from any willing person (including myself) the ability to enter, along with any willing companions, the world of any story imaginable according to these conditions: returning to the real/home world from the story world occurs upon death in the story or at intervals/events decided on before entering the story; the story can be entered as characters from the story, variations of characters from the story, or the self; death/injury in the story world is excruciatingly painful but does not cause death or unwanted physical damage in the real/home world; when returning to the real/home world, you return at the moment of departure and have not aged physically; and when you return to the real/home world, you may bring certain closely personal items/attributes with you if you choose, such as weapons, armor, scars, tanning, muscle tone, and even magical ability, as long as these were earned in some way (through training, hard work, etc).
Detailed, right? But freaking awesome.
6. In your life so far, what accomplishment are you the most proud of? You can list more than one if you have trouble deciding. ;)
I don’t really know. I’ve had a pretty charmed life on the whole, and things like good grades and academic awards don’t really phase my parents anymore because I’ve always gotten them, which makes it really weird when my boyfriend’s parents are super excited over my good college grades. I am proud that I made a 4.0 this semester, though (my second semester of college) because it was significantly more challenging than getting straight As in K-12.
I’m also very proud of the few stories I’ve finished and the 90,000 words I wrote in NaNoWriMo 2005. I’m so much a perfectionist when it comes to my writing that I find myself starting over when I don’t have that much written, so any significant quantity of writing on one story I’ve done is an accomplishment worth celebrating in my opinion. Even fanfiction, however useless it is in a writing career.
7. Which of the following is most important to you: Love, Money, Knowledge, Family, Friendship, Adventure, or Pleasure? Which is the least important to you?
Love. As a general term, I mean; the love that connects us all and makes us decent human beings. Love can make all other things possible, and without it we would degenerate completely as a society. In my mind, love definitely encompasses friendship and family, which are very important to me. I may not have many friends, but the ones I do are very close and important to me.
Adventure is least important, but only because money is, unfortunately, necessary for survival in this world. Adventure is the only one of the listed things that isn’t absolutely necessary, I believe, and thus it takes the bottom rung.
8. What's one quote (or passage, song lyric, etc.) that effectively describes you and your values?
I’m going to go with the song Danny chose as ours because he said he thought it fit us perfectly. There might be other songs and quotes that describe me, but none is more important or personal to me. “Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me for Me)” by Blessid Union of Souls.
“She don't care about my car
“She don't care about my money
“And that's real good 'cause I don't got alot to spend
“But if I did it wouldn't mean nothin'”
“She likes me for me
“Not because I look like Tyson Beckford
“With the charm of Robert Redford oozing out my ears
“But what she sees
“Are my faults and indecisions
“My insecure conditions
“And the tears upon the pillow that I shed”
full lyrics (warning: there is music on this page that auto-starts, but you can hit pause once you get there)
9. How do you manage your money? On that note, how important is money/financial security to you?
Money isn’t that important to me outside of my needs. I’m good at saving money because I don’t spend much on frivolous things I want. I do spend a lot on loved ones, though, particularly Danny. I will save up money for holidays and then spend it on gifts for the people I care about. For myself I’ll buy a book if I really want it, for example, but for Danny’s birthday in February I paid for a ski trip with a night spent at the lodge. And while I can deal with not going to the movies that often or going out to eat, these things are more important to Danny, so I try to pay for my half or all of it when I can… though I can’t always since I’m a full-time student and only make so much money.
10. Name (and elaborate on) some of your hobbies. What are your favorite things to do outside of school/the office?
I like reading and writing fantasy (and occasionally fanfiction, though I try to avoid writing too much of it since it can’t be published and being published one day is very important to me). I’m a huge fantasy fan and I hope to one day create a story as grand as the ones I love to read. I’ve had one sweeping story developing in my mind for years and years, but I haven’t done any substantial writing on it since it was just a baby seedling of what it is now. It only gets harder because I see how much the story has changed and improved, and I wonder how different it will be in the future if I don’t write it right now. The trouble is that I when I try to write other, unrelated stories they don’t usually work out, probably because the larger one is always on my mind and tries to sneak in. Which means that, unfortunately, I don’t do enough writing. It doesn't help that school and work take up a lot of time, and then there are things like filling out this application :D Which brings me to another hobby: random stuff on the internet like this and Hogwarts Elite.
11. Name (and elaborate on) your top three BEST and top three WORST qualities (personality-related, not physical).
* I’m positive. It’s rare for me to feel depressed because I tend to see the best in things. This applies across my life. I’ve always been a good test taker because I just don’t get nervous. I definitely see the bright side in the majority of situations.
* I’m diligent, though selectively. When I’m trying to get a job, I stick with it, keep coming back to remind my potential employer that I want the job. I was never athletic as a child, but in August when I started college I also started going to the gym, and up until the end of the semester I went to the gym at least three times a week. Learning has always been easy for me, but if I have trouble in a class and find myself not making the grades I wanted, I’ll work hard and bring them up… etc.
* I’m giving, at least with those close to me. Making loved ones happy makes me happy, which is a win-win. Like I said before, I’m quick to spend money on them. I’m also quick to offer a ride home to workmates or lend a listening ear to a friend in need.
* I can be wasteful. Especially before I started exercising, which increased my appetite, it was common for me to buy a meal and not finish it. There were very few things I would save to eat as leftovers, too, because I’ve always been a picky eater and some things don’t taste the same reheated. I also had a dorm this year my parents paid for, but I didn’t sleep there a single night this semester. I used it for naps between classes and sometimes homework. My roommates liked the arrangement, though.
* I can be very oblivious. Until I really started driving regularly, I didn’t know how to get anywhere because I would daydream instead of paying attention when riding in a car. I still have trouble finding my way around sometimes. I don’t follow politics, and there are a lot of things that are common knowledge that I just don’t really know about. Would you believe that it wasn’t until this semester that I learned anything substantial about Gandhi? Previously, I just thought he was some saint-like guy who was known for fasting. I know there are other, similar things that I’m still clueless about, but the trouble is that I just don’t know what they all are yet.
* I can be apathetic. By this I mean that I have a slight tendency to stop caring in work or class situations that, well, suck. When I say stop caring, I mean that I do the minimum to get a grade I’m satisfied with or to get through work without being harassed for standing around doing nothing. For instance, I had a class this semester in which the professor was just a very poor teacher. The material would have been interesting if someone else taught it, but I just lost interest. I barely listened in class, and I was far more likely to decide not to show up if I woke up in the morning and felt tired than if it was a better class.
A Song of Ice and Fire Related
1.Which is your favorite book of the series so far? What about your least favorite?
I don’t have a favorite. They just blend too well. I know that the end of AGOT was marked by Ned’s death, but that’s about the only dividing line I remember. It seems like the series is meant to be taken as a whole, anyway, and is only divided into books for convenience x)
I do have favorite arcs and such, though. For instance, while Arya may not be a favorite character, I’ve found that her chapters are usually interesting between Syrio, Gendry, Jaqen, Sandor, and the House of Black and White. I also like Sansa’s story when it comes to Joffrey using the Kingsguard to make her life miserable and Sandor’s way of looking out for her without seeming to. Dany’s story is often interesting; I like her story with Khal Drogo up through his death and the dragons’ awakening especially. I also like anything set in Dorne or concerning Oberyn because the Dornish are just plain interesting… and while Tyrion’s chapters can sometimes be less interesting than the others, he has his shining moments when he’s truly intriguing.
2.Who are your favorite three characters in the series?
What a difficult decision. I think Sandor is one of them-he’s just intriguing, so nasty but with a decent side that’s carefully hidden. I suppose Daenerys; she’s truly interesting, and at the moment she seems to be walking a careful line between doing right and going too far. Mmm… I suppose Jon because of the possibilities. I don’t love all of his chapters, but many of them are a good read, and I can just see him becoming such a powerful part of the story later on… especially considering all the Lyanna and Rhaegar theories, which I fully support.
3.Who are your least favorite three characters in the series?
Joffrey and Cersei, pretty obvious. They’re just evil little… ugh. I don’t feel the need to elaborate; I’m sure everyone can understand my dislike for them.
I suppose the third would have to be Walder Frey. He’s despicable. So much pride and so unwilling to pick a side until he ‘knows’ it’s the winner. He doesn’t care who’s in the right, only who wins. And what he did at the Red Wedding… was unforgivable.
4.#1 Favorite moment in all of ASOIAF so far?
Okay, this is random, but the first thing that comes to mind is Dany’s wedding night with Drogo… just because he was so surprisingly gentle and caring, and at that moment we can see that Dany will be okay and maybe this thing will be good for her in a way. I loved her relationship with Drogo. I know she was really too young, but her brother could have sold her to someone infinitely worse.
5. In your dream-world, how would you like to see the series end?
I’m sure nothing I could come up with would be as good as the ending GRRM has in mind. I just want to see what he has planned, and hopefully soon! I’m sure it’s something that will stay with me forever. And I really want to read it from him. I think it’s interesting that Jordan’s last book is being written by one of my favorite authors, but at the same time I feel bad for his fans, who I’m sure would rather have had the last book written by Jordan himself.
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