This test is a bitch!

Feb 25, 2010 20:37

Created by Auto Insurance

There are key differences with Arizona traffic law which I'm most familiar with and the national average. For instance, Arizona law REQUIRES that all crosswalks near or next to elementary schools be marked with yellow (instead of the stanard white) and passing is prohibited within 150 feet at minimum and the speed withing the crossing zone is 15 MPH and there is no passing. The zone is marked by these signs: which these signs are posted within two hours of the start of and after the end of the school session.

This is an example of the markings required by Arizona law: A simple two lane road example (,+Phoenix,+Arizona+85032&sll=42.985374,-78.888865&sspn=0.009355,0.022724&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=E+Grovers+Ave+%26+N+44th+St,+Phoenix,+Maricopa,+Arizona+85032&ll=33.647933,-111.983346&spn=0.000665,0.00142&t=k&z=20).

A more complex major arterial example (during school session the speed limit is still 15 MPH even though its posted speed limit is 45 elsewhere) (,-112.00016&sspn=0.000638,0.00142&ie=UTF8&radius=0.04&rq=1&ev=zi&hq=elementary+school&hnear=&ll=33.626233,-112.000329&spn=0.000638,0.00142&t=k&z=20) All six lanes are no passing. Crosswalks like this example is a major problem with traffic flow and are consistantly being eliminated with either a traffic signal or pedestrian bridge or buses.

Other differerences with this quiz and what I am familiar with include the question of when pedestrians have the right of walk, the answer is ALWAYS, even if the pedestrian is jaywalking. The quiz answer is "in all crosswalks and at intersections". This question is actually found on the Arizona Written Test and the answer is for the purpose of Arizona traffic law is ALWAYS. I remember getting that answer wrong when I took the Arizona written test.

-- John O.

law, highways, arizona

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