Iiit's not easy havin' yourself a good time..

Oct 20, 2008 13:24

Today I got pwnd by traffic and missed my train hardcore. Which sucks when you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE in Mainz at 2pm or you will get no more monies from the Federal ministry of Lulz and Edumucashunal Activism (main article: FLEA). I managed to get here even with time to spare but then wasted all the spare time on internet and comic nerding (see FAIL) and now have to hurry.
BUT before that I must post this meme as promised to cm1greenbear . It is silly and fun.

Comment and I will:

a) Tell you why I friended you.
b) Associate you with something -- a fandom, song, color, photo, etc.
c) Tell you something I like about you.
d) Tell you a memory I have of you.
e) Ask you something  two things I've wanted to know about you. Because questions are awesome.
f) Tell you my favorite userpic from your list.

You may want to repost this so I can fill it out for you(see MULTIPLE ORGASMS), but don't have to.

Hugs out!

EDIT: I got my admin done alright, and the guy was super helpful (I shall make a post about his office one of these days, it is awesome) but I kept fidgeting and trying to get it all done with because I had a proseminar I was apparently going to be late for. So I ran over to the Philosophicum and burst into the room .....to find two lonely guys playing cards. The conversation went something like:
They: "Looking for that marxism proseminar? "
Me: "Yeah."
They: "Dude, it starts next week. Don't you read the course list? GTFO Newbie."

The funny thing being that I DID read that announcement because I remember laughing at it thinking "God Neubauer is such alazy ass awesome guy" only when it became important I TOTALLY FORGOT. Lol I am full of epic fail today.
Also, made some minor changes to my LJ. Hurrhurr.

fail, meme, random, friends, lolnerd

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