Oct 16, 2008 14:49
Hey there! Today I spent all my money on copies.
I literally had to stop reading materials for this semester when I ran out of money. At 5c/copy. I am halfway through the matieral for one proseminar.
According to my experience both with this particular professor and the rest of the department, these people are real smart. So how come they think that just because they teach 3-4 courses a semester their students have an equivalent schedule? Is it so unfathomable that a student who has more than a dozen courses per semester isn't willing and/or able to spend incredible amounts of money and time on just one?
To make matters worse, the proseminars in this department have a text knowledge test at the very beginning - this means that I have to read all the texts for the seminar by next Tuesday. All several hundred pages of it.
This wouldn't be so bad if it was the case for just one - but no, I have to do this for several proseminars (though admittedly none of the others have nowhere near a three hundred page course reader). Is it too much to ask that professors every once in a while think of the possibility that peoplehave something else to do in their free time? It's not that I don't like the proseminar. It's not that the professor's an idiot (actually, she is rather awesome). It's not even that I don't like reading fucktons of academic historical analysis and hard work. No, it's the my-course-is-the-navel-of-the-universe-syndrome that I hate.
Ugh. I should probably go back to reading these required materials.
And play more MS Paint Adventures (which is awesome) before I explode into a full-fledged rant on the general stupidity of mankind and those people who keep babbling about how the LHC is going to prove god and cure cancer and shit OH MY GOD THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS SHUT UP .
I should really better get back to reading now.