Retail: Nature's IQ Gauge

Jul 26, 2009 23:32

Really, it kind of is. It really lets you know who's a fucking retard and who has a decent standing in society and thus, is more pleasant to be around. Apparently, some people don't understand the phrase "while supplies last," nor do they realize that they don't HAVE to come in on the last day of the goddamn sale. Nevertheless, you can probably all tell that I'm speaking on the topic of my work, and the rudeness and ignorance of these pithy human beings that traverse through my store on a daily basis. Still, I refuse to argue the fact that it gets my ass paid (barely), and that we've been hiring new people to help cover my ass when I'm in NJ. On the flipside though, two managers are leaving (one already gone), so I'm left wondering who the hell's gonna be closing all the time. I guess we'll be seeing more of the folks from other stores. No matter - in two weeks this won't be my problem...for two weeks.

So let's get on with the week, shall we? Actually, that's a waste of a fraction of a line of text; not shit really has been going on in the many facets of my life that haven't routinely been going on. I dunno if I'd mentioned it last time, but we started (and finished) watching Fight Club in Sociology. Pretty weird ass movie, but also pretty good. I can see a little bit of what people were talkin' about when they hyped seven years ago when the movie was actually recent and popular. This would be another verbally projected confession that I am in fact, cinematically retarded. Nevertheless, it was definitely more fun that dragging through a lecture. Which reminds me, we're in week 11 of 12! I can almost taste the swearing on my lips as they are maliciously flung at seagulls like the sharpened rocks in so many slings. I also apparently have to confirm my own fucking words on which days I'm going to go to see my mom, as apparently Mikey's stupid ass can't confidently recite dates I've told him several times. If you want it done right, you clearly have to do it yourself.

I think the biggest thing (actually the ONLY thing) I'm gonna miss while away on vacation is karate. Now, I realize that disciplined physical exertion is kind of the OPPOSITE of relaxing and recreation, but it's seriously becoming more and more apart of my life. After all, it's helped get me into the shape that is going to single-handedly blow my friends' minds when they see me. Nevertheless, I'm sure I'll find a way to cope; I'll get to make up the classes I've missed when I get back anyway in the week I'll have to enjoy before school starts back up (yet a-fucking-gain).

Not that I wasn't thinking of it before, but I also have to get up to register for my classes for the fall semester. I've been eligible since the 14th, but a combination of lack of want and procrastination have kept me from actually going up and doing it. Really, I think it's more so a matter of knowing I'll be spending a frustrating hour up at the main building, dicking around with a counselor who probably doesn't give a genuine shit about my academic or career future only to force myself to pick three classes I really don't want to take and have to endure the mental adaptation of a proverbial Rubik's cube to schedule them as closely with Mikey's classes as I can so that there aren't any huge discrepancies like there were in this semester (but as we all know, it's the shittiest in the summer time). If it wasn't for the glorious financial aid excess check I get about three weeks into the semester, it'd probably be an entirely depressing situation. This is all being brought to you courtesy of either the knowledge that I have to take a math next semester combined with the fact that I still haven't taken the lab to my Biology class from two terms ago, or the current mindset I'm in of wanting to be fucking done with this semester. The good news is, I WAS in a fairly good mood before having to have thought of these things.

Anyway, that's really the gist of what's been going on as far as the major shit is concerned. Mikey finally got me my birthday present - a pair of jeans from Anchor Blue - which is fine, seeing as how I got him a shirt for his birthday. I've also found myself dabbling (boredly) in the field of cologne. This is likely because I want to stick it to the fucking TSA when they try to deny me the carrying on of toiletries, or because I like improving myself...but man there is some WEIRD scentage out there for those of you who aren't curious in that field, and the funniest thing is they aren't cheap! The only thing I can say is, I s'pose SOMEONE had/has to be interested in the market. Bravo to 'em too - I'd be pretty upset if everyone I ran into smelled like a shit-crammed gymbag. Random thoughts like this are usually what transition me into sleep, heh.

With that having been said, I think I'm gonna head off for now. I've got the start of what is pretty much the last week of ACTUAL classwork to do, and that gives me a bittersweet smile across my face. More importantly, I have to start fine-tuning my travel plans, as well as kick Mikey's fat ass into gear to get his own organized. It's hard to get lazy people motivated, I swear. Anyway, you'll all hear from me next week, likely some time after I've given blood (apparently I'm eligible again already after their little fuck up). Everyone stay gravy and keep enjoying your summer! It's also still not too late for birthday presents! Well...I tried.

"Gorilla tape - holds like a gorilla, is black like a gorilla...even SMELLS like a gorilla!"
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