Final Week Frustrations

Aug 02, 2009 23:17

As you might be able to gather from the title, we've entered the final week...finally! While part of me feels like week one of the summer semester was only yesterday, the majority of me is just goddamn glad to be almost DONE. least until the fall semester begins, which is kinda where the "frustrations" part comes in. Without fail, going to the adviser and having to pick out classes proves once more to be the single most frustrating fucking thing I've had to suffer through. What's more is, I not only didn't get to see the guy I wanted t, but I also am not done with picking my classes; I only have 2/3 picked thanks to the fucking retarded fact that I can't take another science without the lab (and all the feasible classes are closed), and the lazy shit teachers at this campus don't teach near as much as they should be. This could all just be my selfishness talking, but to hell with it; this situation is so bullshit and stressful, I'd think it's well-warranted. So far, it's gonna be Intermediate Algebra, and Western Civilization - in other words - fucking boring and unnecessary. However, it's some of all I have left...but it'd be goddamn nice if I could catch a break or something.

So moving on and upward, I reiterate how much I'm looking forward to my vacation, as it's going to be muchly the shit. I've also found out that, after this morning's (retarded) loss prevention meeting at work, I'll be needing to get THREE boxes of saltwater taffy. I get the distinct impression I should start an east coast good smuggling cartel or something. Hell, the guy out here who does Italian water ice makes out pretty damn good, so why wouldn't I be able to? This could very well turn into a VERY lucrative business venture...and you know what THAT could mean. De' monies!! Anyway...I'll use that micro-tangent to transgress to how my work life has been. The answer is pretty much the same as always, except the fact that my manager actually REMEMBERED my vacation (which is where my third box of "cartel" comes in). The meeting itself sucked, as we were reported to have lost $120K and hit the loss margin of 3.5%. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, that fucking sucks. Why would I be concerned, you ask? Well that IS money outta my pocket, after all...and we all know what I do to people tryin' to steal from me? Let's just say they don't call me "The Fingerbreaker" at work for nothing. Beyond that, we're down to two managers now, since the current ASM (assistant store manager) left. Kind of a ball-buster sometimes, but it kept me busy and he was a cool ass dude overall. Plus, I knew I was appreciated with him. I'd still ditch for a better job if I knew one existed with my ideal conditions, but...moving on.

Martial arts...well, it's going to obviously be the thing I miss whilst on vacation, but I also miss it when they're closed on Saturdays. Nevertheless, I've gotta pay my August tuition when ironically, I won't be here for half of August. No matter; I know I get to make up the classes I've missed. I'm not exactly sure if I'll be testing or not - probably not, seeing as how I have a fair amount left to learn, and then there's the perfecting of it - but we shall see how it all goes. Again, it's not a destination but a journey. Besides, it seems I've been flying through these ranks fast enough as it is - I don't wanna draw TOO much attention to myself, nor do I want to give off the impression that I somehow haven't earned my ranks. We've gone over this before, but you get what I'm saying. Which reminds me...I'm going to have to coerce myself to work out WHILST on vacation. I think I can do it...but we shall indeed see. According to Steve, I may already have some (paying) work ahead of me. More on that in a few.

...Okay a few minutes has (not really) passed. So it turns out that I may have a little landscaping job to do - probably like a few hours - for possibly a few hundred bucks. We all know that I could use that, seeing as how my job doesn't pay me near enough what I'm deserved...something I hope gets fixed in (rumored) October. As my cruel life's luck would turn out, it seems I stay right exactly around where I always do when getting paid. Depressing, if I'm politely honest about it...but I guess I can take solace in the fact that I have financial aid for college, unlike Mikey. I actually feel bad for him, considering he started out all this with like $3000 and had a time where he was actually overdrawn on his account. All I can really say is, I sure as fuck hope the natural order of things works out in our favor. Nevertheless, I've got that going as far as "vacation agenda" is concerned. I was also invited to a weekend at Hershey Park, but I dunno how that'll go over, considering that weekend is the weekend I'm to spend with Jim, Bill, and friends of that particular sphere of influence. Kinda ironic how it seems this vacation is already starting to turn out more and more like work. Only difference is, I don't have to deal with an abundance of ignorant least until I get to airport security.

So that's really all I can say for now. We're watching the Corporation in Sociology, which I expect to see on the final (which we're getting tomorrow). Additionally, we get our Music Appreciation study guide tomorrow for the Wednesday final, so...the end is near! All I need to do is just start packing and organizing things, hoping the cologne I eBayed gets here before Friday morning, and just get things to a presentable nature for when dad comes to stay whilst we're away. 'Twill be an interesting week (and not necessarily fun on the day OF the trip, as we'll have to be up at around 4 to get there around 5. I'm debating not even going there that early, seeing as how we're gonna have shit-tons of time), but I'll get through it.

With that in mind, I feel it's obvious to let you all know I won't be posting until I get back from vacation, very don't miss me TOO much. I'll be sure to have plenty of things to tell about, maybe some movies to see, and how it will feel to have eaten at Outback for the first time in two years. I can bet about now, some of you may even be jealous of me, but I'm sure your vacations will come in due time. Anyway, peax out peoplefolk! I'll be back in about two weeks!

"What do class advisers and Vista have in common? They're both fucking useless and exist only for show."
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