Level 25

Jul 19, 2009 22:15

Which is really just another way of saying my birthday happened in the past week. ...What, you doubted that it'd come? I have to say that it was a pretty depressing day; kind of uneventful, and most people called/contacted me on the day afterward. I'm still just as grateful, but I guess it just feels more and more like I don't get the cool kinda birthday parties anymore. To be honest, I never really got one of those. You know...one of those cliche birthday parties where it's either a huge surprise, or there's just a whole bunch of decorations, balloons, and a lot of friends and family around for several hours of merriment. It's a bit of a somber sentiment, but at the same time it's a comforting one; everyone who knows me knows I've never been that "storybook" about things. Nevertheless, I got about $100 total and a card. Mikey still owes me a present, but has yet to definitively deliver upon some material goods. I'll be sure to remind him of that the next time we're somewhere and I see something I'd like to have.

Anyway, let's move on, as my birthday only lasted for a day, and the past week had six more days within it. I won't lie - those days were pretty uneventful. Just the usual cycle, with the only difference being that each week that passes brings me closer to my vacation. Come to think of it, tomorrow starts week ten (but those of you who read this will have already known that). Actually, that might have been a bit of a lie...the whole "uneventful" part. I say that because in Sociology, we're watching Fight Club. Now I've seen - as I'm sure you've all seen - movies of various sorts in classes throughout your academic careers. I have to say that I've never seen something to the effect of Fight Club in a class before. To be honest, it's a weird ass movie, but so far it's baselining the hype everyone gave it back in the day. I'm one of those people who actually never SAW Fight Club back when it was all the huge deal among wannabe hardcore high school kids. I'm not sure if it's lack of money or desire, but I guess maybe I'm a little bit cinematically retarded.

Back to the point at hand though, that's kinda what's gonna get me through this week - the finishing up of Fight Club. Music class has kinda gotten boring...probably because I'm officially of the mindset that I'm on the cusp of being the fuck out of this place for three weeks. Which reminds me...I need to go decide upon my classes for the next term. Oh fucking joy...another Friday of frustration. I'm pretty sure people with constipation aren't this frustrated in the approximate hour I spend in this gerbil wheel of perpetual genocide. Necessary evils are fucking stupid...that is my tangible response to this process.

So as we shift the focus onto work, I've realized something about an event I can actually relate to my life as a whole. While I was hinting and waiting for a conglomerated birthday party for myself any everyone born in July, I come to find out that because of a lack of birthdays since we'd started this idea off the ground, suddenly we've decided to not do it anymore. Now I'm of the impression that this ceased before July, but I can't help but feel a little fucking wronged by the fact that there's this lingering sensation that people are almost intentionally forgetting about me. It could just be the convenient time which I'd heard of this but still, you don't suddenly stop fishing just because you don't get a bite. I'll never truly understand how the minds of some of the people I work with function. That being said, my paycheck continues to be my sole purpose for putting up with that wretched form of legalized torture. It certainly isn't the handful of cock-mouthed customers that walk in and think that acting like a douche will get them magic super happy service time. Fucking cretins.

Beyond that, there hasn't been much going on outside of karate, as that's where I spend most of my free time (the other part being on my computer). I'd started back up on Sorcerer Knight, but I feel almost as if I've hit a wall again. I'm going to sincerely try to re-break that wall tomorrow, as I have to continue to maintain the mindset that I have to work at this if I want it to become something great. My "minor goal" is that it at least surpasses Twilight, the piece of literary shit that THAT is. The "major goal" is that it is kind of a launchpad for what could be a very nice living making anime or games in some form, or somehow guiding me to being a voice actor. Laugh if you want (I'm sure if I'm able to see it happen, I'll throatfuck you with a fireplace poker), but it's the greatest dreams that sound the most farfetched. Unfortunately, the biggest problem with my dreams are finding a facet of helpful, guiding fuckin' people - a commodity which I still have yet to find in the most obvious place (college).

It actually makes me think of this one customer that came in today. He had his kid with him, who didn't seem to want to stop talking, but it was in what I originally thought it was gibberish (since kids often are incoherent and mumble). They were both (as far as I could tell) English/American/whathaveyou. It was only after spending a little time with them that I found out that they had just gone to Japan. The joke was on me - the kid was actually choosing to speak in Japanese. It's shit like that which really pisses me off, and yet gives me a bit more fuel to look towards where I wanna be at. I say that because I'D love to both learn Japanese fluently and go to the respective country. There are a lot of things I'd like to do beyond that (some of which mentioned above). The sad reality is that a lot of it takes money and the right kind of help/connections. My brain may be a little bit scattered at the moment, but I can kind of rationalize it without blowing up and shutting down, warranting a brain reboot.

Anyway, I've doled out my weekly update and have even broken from the horrendous monotony which has been my last several entries to provide a little bit of a deeper insight into what's been commuting back and forth in my brain. I hope if anything else, it's both helped some of you gain a better idea as well as unknowingly organized things a little bit better for me. Time - the ebb and flow of the very intangible material we drown in - will only tell. Time is both a deadly weapon and a horrible curse; your best friend and your worst enemy. We all have it - some too much of it - and we all have not enough of it. As for me, I'm ending mine for this week, but I'll be back next week I assure you. Until then, any late birthday wishes/presents will still be accepted, and I hope everyone's summer is going good (better than mine). Tragically, it's already half over, but we soon come up on the string of holidays I look forward to pretty much all year for, as should all of you.

"Iz wat I du, bebe"
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