The Adventures of Kelsey Pinkshoe [3]

Nov 01, 2011 00:15

Oh dear, I'm so proud of my (sim)self! :D

Anywhoo! Hey, and welcome back. Where we left off, Kelsey broke off her engagement to Sinbad, moved in with this guy and his kids, hated it, and promptly moved out. She fulfilled her LTW and moved to Sunset Valley, where she met Leighton Sekemoto, a cute single dad who lived with his old mother. It started out as just a fling and then I realized I actually wanted them to be more than that, so they started dating and then got engaged.

In other news, I finally decided what I'm going to do with this series. I like my simself too much to let her die and be the end of that. Lucky for me, I have a post-LTW-fulfillment version of her saved, so I was thinking that when she dies off in this life, I'm just going to return to that saved version of her, put her in a new neighbourhood, and let her play out a few different lifestyles. Every time she dies, I'll start again, and will hopefully get to explore a lot more of the game that way. Hope it sounds exciting to you as it does to me!

Anyway, let's get going on this chapter! (Plus the two others coming after it!)

So since Kelsey and Leighton were due to get married, I thought I'd throw her a bachelorette party.

Quite a few people came out. As well, one of my simself's friend was kind enough to get her...


Gunther Goth, you little shit.

If you couldn't tell by the pictures, the party was a raging success.

You know your party reaches legendary status when someone passes out.

See? Told you so!

Kelsey: "Stiles, it's okay honey. There will be other parties. You need to go home now, and stop crying, because I'm going to be late for work and I just can't have that."

Anyway, the next night Kelsey and Leighton got married.

Kelsey: "Holy shit are you really sure I should do this? I kind of like living alone!"

Too late to back out now, honey!

Excuse the shitty picture - I just wanted to show off how many friends attended this wedding. It was pretty ballin'.

I really do like them together.

My real self's parties are never this awesome. More often than not, they get cancelled. (Seriously, I'll probably have my wedding day and get 100 people RSVP'ing "no.")

Anyway, considering that Leighton came with a three for one special (him, his son, and his mother), I had to move the happy new family into a bigger house.

Oh, and full disclosure here: Yumi lived with them for a while. She was boring, though, so I moved her out. She died alone.

Anyway, let's focus a little bit on the other part of Leighton's package deal: his son. This is Sam after I made him over. Got to say, the kid's a cutie!

I'll put his traits up when he ages up.

And not a condom was worn that day.

Seriously, though, my commitment-phobic simself is now having a child.

After a trip to the local art museum, Sam decided on his LTW pretty quickly. Interesting choice: I've never had anyone roll that up before.

Kelsey: "You mean I still have to work even though I'm married? Damn it! I knew I should've married richer!"

And continue to work, she did.

Until her maternity leave. After that she didn't go back to work for multiple weeks.

Sam, surprisingly, takes after his step mother more than his father: the two of them both spend their days writing novels.


Meet Sam's future girlfriend, Sandi French. She's super freaking cute.

Awww. Leighton's a good daddy-to-be. (Well, he better be, he's got the family oriented trait!)

My God, woman, you're a blimp!
(I hope this isn't foreshadowing my life...)

Sam's birthday!

And now for a Halloween-themed stats picture:

I know it's tacky. I did it on purpose.

Woman, are you carrying sextuplets in there?!


See you in the next chapter!
- Kelsey

ts3 town life, leighton sekemoto, kelsey gets married!, the adventures of kelsey pinkshoe, ts3, sam sekemoto, kelsey pinkshoe, omg i'm a blimp

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