The Adventures of Kelsey Pinkshoe [4]

Nov 01, 2011 00:46

Look at all those familiar faces.

Just kidding, I'm totally not dwelling on this. Let's return to the pregnancy cliffhanger, because I know y'all want to know what my simself had.

It's a boy! His name is Scott.
Obligatory mother-baby shots.

No I did not age him up immediately after I brought him home from the hospital. Why would you ask?

In other news:

Toddler training commenced immediately. Kelsey and Leighton practically fought for the right to teach him his skills.
(I would too if someone that cute was my real life son.)

Meanwhile, Sam was making friends with a certain Scarlett Johansson.
(I'm just kidding, her name is Darlene Bunch.)

Awwwww, so cute.
Sam is just cute with anyone. Because Sam is just cute.

It took them about two days to get their first kiss, but when it happened I was like OMG AW.

And then I realized Scott was sitting in the corner of the room. Watching. Always watching.

Thought I'd include a picture of what life at that time looked like in the Pinkshoe household.

Scott is really fucking excited to go for a stroller ride!

Sam: "Hey, Darlene, I wanted to ask you if you'd be my-"

Darlene: "Gotta go, late for work! Catch you later, bb!"

Sam: "Why won't she love me?"

He just looked so dejected and forlorn and pathetic.

Anyway, Leighton's original LTW was to raise five children from babies to teens and I knew that just wasn't happening on Kelsey's (limited) timeline. So I had to give him a new, more manageable LTW. This is what I came up with.

Not like he has to start his career all over again, or anything. But it's better than trying to raise five kids.

It only took me FOREVER to engineer their going steady!

Back at the Newman Ranch, Scott was becoming a child.

Another tacky picture. Just because I can.
Also, first time using the computer whiz trait. Hopefully it will yield fun/interesting results.

WARNING: Scott started playing with the mirror. Results were cute until they were disturbing. Look at your own risk.

And for the grand finale...

Oh, did I forget to mention that Kelsey was pregnant again? Whoops.

(And I didn't even do anything!)

Kelsey: "Motherfuck."

Meet Gemma and Jasmine. Gemma has the dark hair, and Jasmine the blonde. (Where did that even come from?)


Also, I have some extra pictures of Gemma. Because she was cuter:

Oh, fun story. Mortimer's younger brother, Chet, just decided to walk into the house and sit down.
Those Goths. So entitled.

While that was happening, Leighton and Kelsey had bigger things to worry about: toddler training.

Sam: "Darlene, will you go to the prom with me?"
Darlene: "NO! I have a date already! :D"
Sam: "Well, uh, okay...I guess I'll see you there, then. Now, give me a kiss."
Darlene: "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

Kelsey: "Gemma, you little shit, get back here...oh, am I interrupting?"

And so ended the relationship of Sam and Darlene.
(Seriously, though, she said she had a prom date and then wouldn't even let him kiss her. IDGI.)

...And so began the courtship of Sam and Sandi. (See! Told you so!)


Meanwhile, Scott rolled up his LTW request. Interesting, but not hard so I'll take it.

Like father, like son. These two are so studious.

The girls, on the other hand, are, I like to think, a little bit more like me.

Birthday time!

Omg so cute I can't even. I just. Love.

Anyway, funny story: because I made my simself curvy, it translated over to Scott in the form of a round, pudgy middle. I giggled a little.

Oh, also, the twins aged up at the same time as their big brother.

So wonderfully tacky. :3

Also, did I mention i've been letting the game randomize almost all their traits?

Gemma gets this moodlet all the time. I think it's just the cutest thing. And it's not just around people she doesn't know; it's around family members, too. Until she was friends with Sam and Scott, being around them freaked her out.

Meanwhile, Scott started working off his pudge. And boy was it ever fun to watch.

See you at the next update!
- Kelsey

leighton sekemoto, cutest kids ever, the adventures of kelsey pinkshoe, omg it's so cute i'm gonna die, darlene bunch, jasmine pinkshoe, sam sekemoto, kelsey pinkshoe, sandi french, scott pinkshoe, gemma pinkshoe, omg i'm a blimp

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