Aug 28, 2006 00:06
THe plane back was definatly more packed. THat's never a good sign. It was actually weird to arrive in st. Louis airport. It seemed sooo....crowded. I took the Metrolink back to my apartment where Tara was awaiting my arrival, and it almost felt like I had been gone the entire summer, not just nine days. I mean, St. Louis was like I was used to it being at the end of the semester. No crappy dorm. No hectic work schedule. And sadly, no Tom. It took me nearly 4 days to unpack/set up everything. Redic. I hate moving.
But our apartment is pretty freaking sweet, I'm not gunna lie. I have 3 other roommates (4 if you count allison's bf). They are Tara, who I get closer and closer to everyday (oh la la), Allison, who I feel more and more distant from everyday; and Beth, who I'm just getting to know (she seems nice but apparently her family thinks I'm a raging alcoholic sorority nypho, and we all know that's not even remotly true..cough). My room looks more grown up with additions like frames, and a black and white picture calander (can you say classy?) But I can't get rid of the snoopy pillow or Nintendo. I love them.
Our patio is proabably my favorite room in the place. I can sit out there, drink, socialize, say hi to friends that pass and make fun of freshmen searching the lower quad for a party. Pretty much a combination od all my favoirte things to do.
Work coming back was pretty much the pits, just because I'm so tired of it and just want school to start. Really annoying But I had no supervisors/managers for a few days b-c they got canned. And my very last shift there, I showed up and hour late. WHich pissed my new supervisor off (but, umm, I'll be working for her for like a day, so wtf), but then they made me work a double which put me in the worst mood ever. My last day. Saturday. A double. I left an hour early. My one and only swimmer that day had gotten out hours ago. So fire me, I dare you.
Now rush is starting. Well, the workshops are. It's good to see and hang out with all my DG sisters, even if some aspects of the whole thing seem a little redic. 2 weeks of unskipable rush events. Fantastic.