In the bleak midsummer...

May 20, 2009 16:17

Not Midsomer, for those TV fans out there! I've not been murdered ;P

Been a bit of a hectic week. I've been meaning to post up the table of results we did for Eurovision but, well, (sometimes expensive) stuff got in the way, like:
  • Ordering a new computer, screen, speakers and laser (LASERS!) printer (~£350)
  • Dropping a book off to Emilie, spending the afternoon with her and posting off the next instalment of my Spanish tour (£300: got a nice email from the guy today saying he'd received it)
  • Being ill and off work on Monday and not being able to revise until the evening regardless
  • Having a well-earned break on Sunday making a 4th ed character for Matt's game at Rob's houseparty
  • Ordering books and a battery from Amazon (~£100)
Other things that were expensive included:

  • Buying some second-hand Dark Eldar: £50
  • Buying a second-hand but excellent condition (just a bit dusty) army case (the big £60 one): £35
  • Food shopping: coming in at about £50 a time now!
So, I hope to post the Eurovision results soon!

In other news, my exam yesterday was OK: not great but not bad!

I managed to get my coursework essay finished in plenty of time for Friday and handed it in first thing.

I saw Emilie Friday evening and we had a really good chat about stuff.

Had a chat today with my manager about my job (etc.) prospects. He reckons I've done the most work out of everyone in the department to see about getting a new job or what I can do to stay with Jacobs and everything! Considering I'm asking for advice from everyone I dare, and I'm not complacent that the company will find me another job AND I know how shit looking for a job is and all I'll have is about a month, I thought I better start ASAP. Had three replies back already from the places I sent my CV to: all rejections, but I'd rather a rejection than no news at all!

I have lots of ideas beyond 'get any job' and 'stay in construction doing my degree': apprenticeship (maybe plumbing); TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or English for adults; doing A-level Maths and getting into meteorology, land surveying, ecology, astrophysics, paleobiology, stuff like that; drama or singing school (or both); selling my paintings, drawings etc.; or maybe even translating Russian rock songs for a living!

Talking of which, in conversation with Emilie yesterday, I discovered (or rather remembered) that one of the lecturers at Nott'm Uni is into Soviet music... The 'new' lady, Dr. Polly McMichael, might be able to help me on my 'changes in rock music, 1984-2006: shock to horror', describing how Aria's first album was mostly about glasnost and how the music culture has changed to include Western ideas in power metal (Tolkien and some American novellist at least) with Russian folklore. It's that or Peter Morwood's conglomeration of Russian history with skazki (fairytales): 'Prince Ivan and the Middle Ages: when historical fact met fantastic skazka'. See? My MA's planned out already for you all!

I really mean to do one: if I end up in some dull admin. job, I'll see if they let me have time off for 'continuous personal development' and damn well do it, funding it myself! It'll likely be pure research so I may not even need much time off, but it'll be bloody interesting nonetheless. Then I'll apply for the Department of History's funded PhD and try and get the lanaguage of politics slant in... Then it's into academia for the rest of my life (you have no idea how great I think this idea is!).

Still, it's all in the air at the moment. So far, the only job offer I've got is some summer work I can do regardless of employment for my landlord: Rob wants his models built and painted and he'll give me £6.50 an hour! Good if you can get it (and I said YES PLEASE!!!!)!

Sahha ohrain.

modelling, computer, work, painting, languages, illness, jobsearch, dark eldar, uni, future, russian

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