So, because one of my colleagues got ill, I'm pinch-hitting at a teachers-parents-children thing for families with disabled children this weekend. It goes from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, which means, sadly - no Maou squeeing from me until late Sunday night! *sad
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That picture....*_* Ohno's so special.
Ohno: *zones out*
Sho: Ah, Satoshi-kun, you do realize where your hand is...? >.o;;
Ohno: *a bit of evil shows in the zoned out smile*
Sho: No, really, your hand foajirioaga.
Ohno: Is something the matter, Sho-kun? I'm good. :D :D
I'm currently downloading, but my download rate is rather slow, so I might not be able to watch it before tomorrow evening - but then I'll definitely squee! ^-^ I've already squeed about the title song a bit, because it might easily turn into one of my most favourite Arashi songs. I wish there was a full version of it!
And ahahahaha, your dialogue! XDD That's EXACTLY what happened!!! XDDD Only that, in addition to the bit of evil showing in Ohno's smile, another bit of evil shows in the way he oh so slowly and innocently curls his fingers just a little bit more. XD
The photographer and the make-up assistants would arrange them, fan them a little (he hated how he would sweat so much even just sitting under studio lights)
Oh yes, poor, sweating Sho. He really doesn't have it easy. :( His bandmates love him anyway, though, even when they're little bitches to him and complain about his sweat. XD
Sho had gotten used to everyone treating Ohno a little like warm furniture and Ohno returning the favor.
Warm furniture. WARM FURNITURE. I really, desperately want an icon with this now. So, so much. *________* Warm furniture.
Ohno stared peacefully at the camera, the barest hint of a quirk on his lips and Sho was absolutely not buying his innocent tone. At all.
Ahahaha, poor, tormented Sho, he knows his bandmates SO well! XD
He heard the photographer call for a softer light and pillows for the next scene, he was getting ( ... )
Icons are not so much my forte, so perhaps someone else in lj-land will help, hehe.
YES, PLEASE! *__* ...Maybe you could put Sho's temper to good use to make him a bit more aggressive...? Or alternatively, Ohno could notice that Sho's got "a funny bump down there" and make him poke it, leading to a beautiful handjob. Or blowjob. XD (You know, even if you don't write porn, you've clearly inspired me here. XD)
....Please be inspired. Please. Because, um, I am so terribly easy and I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY BECAUSE I HAVEN'T BEEN WRITING FIC FOR VERY LONG BUT JAFOIERJAORJAG; Here, have this part, I'm still working up the guts to do porn but here for you. >.< Again typed directly into the comment box ( ... )
I don't really like much of my porn myself, it feels that there could be a better way to do it, only I don't know how. v-v" (Well, only thing for that is trying, yes?)
Speaking of trying, what flow issues were there? I'd really like to know, because I can only improve when I know where I went wrong. (And I sometimes crave someone who'll just tell me where the stuff I'd planned works or doesn't work. Even if I don't follow every advice, but it's always good to know what someone pointed out.)
And now - that ficbit! XDDD
Oh man, I feel so sorry for Sho - immediately after having had a really tiring orgasm, he's carried off by Jun, who appears to have some nefarious scheme going on too! I just hope Sho has enough stamina to survive the night...XD
And of course Sho gets elected - whether he wants to or not. XD
But my favourite bit was definitely this one:
At this point Sho realised he was babbling inside his head (in a voice that sounded suspiciously like Nino's)Ahaha, you know, with Ohno mentioning on ( ... )
with Ohno mentioning on Hanamaru Café that Sho is always chattering to himself, even when no one's listening,Ooh, which Hanamaru Cafe was that, the most recent one with the shirtless Sho pic? Also, that comment made me snort into my water bottle. Ahahahah now I'm imagining Sho being, not *quite* Mrs. Bennett...who else? Though it would be hysterical to think of Sho having the vapors. XDDDDD ( ... )
RE: Your ficlet: Yay for ficlet getting longer! ^-^ Long, well-written fics are the best! ^-^
Also, of course I'll look it over with you! It will be my pleasure! ^-^ And no, I don't mind you posting here at all. *snuggles*
I... am kind of in love with the idea of Aiba and Nino gamer fic. And it has PORN. *_____* (Though now I imagine what the other three are doing while Nino and Aiba are together. XD The most likely thing is 1.) fishing, 2.) reading newspaper and 3.) working out sets for the next concert; but wouldn't it be absolutely funny if it was 1.) letting Jun undress him, 2.) having vapours and 3.) using the chance to get it on with Ohno while Nino's not around? XDD)
Re: nitpicks:
Uhm, okay, about number one... that one is because we actually had different visuals in our minds! ^^" I read "Ohno grabbed his hips and spun him around to slam against the door in his turn" and somehow, in my mind this equated to not only spinning Sho around so that he's against the ( ... )
Ahhh, okay! So let me take out the "in his turn" then, would that make it clearer that Ohno switched his and Sho's positions? I have this horrible failing (probably due to too many academic papers) of being excessively wordy and convoluted. -_-;;;
re: spacing, I've found a single space of blank between each change in speaker helps make it clearer. As for more *shrugs* That would be more up to your personal style, right? ^^
(Though he's wrong, of course. Ohno would not do something like that during a shoot. Ohno, Nino and Aiba together might, though. XD)
AHAHAHAHA POOR SHO. Hey, did you ever read that fic, "Things to Do During Photoshoots"? It showed up when darkeyedwolf was calling for Arashi orgy porn. It killed me soooo dead ( ... )
OH GOD YES PLEASE!!! *__________*
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