So, because one of my colleagues got ill, I'm pinch-hitting at a teachers-parents-children thing for families with disabled children this weekend. It goes from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, which means, sadly - no Maou squeeing from me until late Sunday night! *sad*
So, my dear friendlist, please squee for me, too! ^__________^ I'll join you as soon as I'm back! ^-^
And until then, I'll leave you with, no, not Toma/Ohno pics, or Nino/Ohno pics, but one Sho/Ohno pic, because it cracks me up every time I see it. XD
So, theme being "Arashi Is Full Of Love" (do those WinkUp guys read fanfics, or what?), Ohno decides to interpret that theme his own way... XDD (I think Sho might have been protesting. But, clearly, Ohno isn't really interested in taking his hand away from the soft and warm place it has found itself in. ...And this makes me think that Ohno has definitely spent far too much time with Nino. XD)
Until Sunday! ^-^
ETA: Here there be comment fic by the awesome
rhythmia! *__________*