So, because one of my colleagues got ill, I'm pinch-hitting at a teachers-parents-children thing for families with disabled children this weekend. It goes from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, which means, sadly - no Maou squeeing from me until late Sunday night! *sad
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I don't really like much of my porn myself, it feels that there could be a better way to do it, only I don't know how. v-v" (Well, only thing for that is trying, yes?)
Speaking of trying, what flow issues were there? I'd really like to know, because I can only improve when I know where I went wrong. (And I sometimes crave someone who'll just tell me where the stuff I'd planned works or doesn't work. Even if I don't follow every advice, but it's always good to know what someone pointed out.)
And now - that ficbit! XDDD
Oh man, I feel so sorry for Sho - immediately after having had a really tiring orgasm, he's carried off by Jun, who appears to have some nefarious scheme going on too! I just hope Sho has enough stamina to survive the night...XD
And of course Sho gets elected - whether he wants to or not. XD
But my favourite bit was definitely this one:
At this point Sho realised he was babbling inside his head (in a voice that sounded suspiciously like Nino's)
Ahaha, you know, with Ohno mentioning on Hanamaru Café that Sho is always chattering to himself, even when no one's listening, and this, I totally have this impression of Sho as one of Jane Austen's babbling older females on my mind...XDD
And Sho's laconic "This is depressingly familiar" at the end! Oh, Sho, so completely brow-beaten by your band.
The picture has a couple of companion pics, actually! ^-^ It's from the June WinkUp of this year, but I don't remember where I got it from. If you've got a bit of time, I could try to upload it for you. It's really kind of cute - it's all about "love" and it's got "pairing" shoots: Aiba/Ohno - Aiba/Nino - Ohno/Sho - Nino/Jun - Sho/Jun. So I guess something could have happened in the shoots? At least with Nino and Jun. Though Ohno's and Sho's is by far the most interesting one, with that interestingly placed hand. XD (But on the other hand, Nino and Aiba have a couch... ^-^)
And no problem with the stalking comments! ^-^ I totally do that too! And yeah, the netiquette of conversations can be difficult, but I definitely don't mind people crashing my conversations and on flange's journal it's pretty open anyway. (Which I enjoy, since I like discussions. ^-^)
with Ohno mentioning on Hanamaru Café that Sho is always chattering to himself, even when no one's listening,
Ooh, which Hanamaru Cafe was that, the most recent one with the shirtless Sho pic? Also, that comment made me snort into my water bottle. Ahahahah now I'm imagining Sho being, not *quite* Mrs. Bennett...who else? Though it would be hysterical to think of Sho having the vapors. XDDDDD
Mmmmmporn. You know I have no objections to the get better by trying method, because that results in porn for the masses. \o/ Or at least, for selfish little me, since this thread is kind of buried in your post, hehe.
Regarding fic concrit...would you prefer I PM you? Hardly anyone says what their preferences are regarding commentary/squee/crit/nitpicking, and I don't want to offend/bother you since it's just a couple of really minor things. ^^ also in that vein please please please feel free to let me know if there are any continuity or character errors or if anything doesn't work for you, because for sure I suck and there's still so much to learn, and I don't want to be part of the target audience of one of those 'FANDUMB YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG' rants that I'm sure are building in people. ^_^;;;
Yes, it was the most recent Hanamaru Cafe (with Sho indeed posing for Ohno half-naked when he asked for a picture... oh, SHO! XD) ...and now you've made ME snort! No, Sho isn't QUITE Mrs Bennett, he's too smart for that - but you can bet that, if he had five daughters for whom marriage was the most advantageous thing in life, he'd totally do every thing in his power to get them the best marriages possible, and with the way he sometimes whines on their shows you could think he already has vapours! XDDDDD
W-well... considering that I'm currently working on the Sho/Ohno/Nino thing that I promised blood_opal and flange5, I might get more training earlier than I had thought...^^"
By the way, talking about buried in this post: This is slowly becoming fic-length, so if you want to put it into your journal as a real fic (with or without my porn contribution - which you would be invited to edit to adapt to your needs), you'd be very welcome to do that! (Since I think this is kind of awesome and more people should see it. ^-^)
Uhm... good question about where to put the nit-pick. ^^" You choose, since I don't mind either way. ^-^ Or I could also give you my email address, if you'd like to send it there.
And if I see any continuity errors and stuff like that, I'm sure to tell you too! Though up to now, there hasn't been anything that should make anyone annoyed at you. ^___^
The slowly becoming longer and longer, hehe. It's all because of your enabling. And my being really easy, hehe. Well, when I write the rest, then I'll look it over (with your help, perhaps? *eyes hopefully*) and post it. It'll take a while though, I'm working up the nerve to do the porny part, since you've led the way with your part. My third fic ever and I'm already trying to write porn. orz Oh well, I'll consider it practice! o/ (Especially as I'm working on my second fic, a Nino+Aiba gamer series with nicocoer's help, and that one threatens to turn porny in the last part if I decide to keep that section. orz orz) If you don't mind I'll continue posting to this thread til it's complete? Feel free to add ficbits and nitpicks and such as the mood strikes you?
Ummm...then re: nitpickiness, I'll post it here.
I'm not a terribly visual person, but I do depend on the descriptions in fic to kind of...orient me? Or at least give me the blocking of the characters. And this part threw me a bit:
Sho gave up any attempt at speaking and fully leaned against the small, but strong body behind him, throwing his head back and letting the noises he'd been trying to keep in flow freely from his mouth.
The rest of your fic is oriented the way I thought I'd set the scene, with Sho flat against the door and Ohno facing him, just this part made me think Ohno had squirmed behind him to spoon him and then had gone back in front afterwards. Non-nitpicky: jfaorjag this line is so hot. *_*
The other flow thing is as much a style thing as anything else, so you can ignore this bit if you wish. The formatting gets a little tight on the eyes after a while, because it's all single spacing. Adding a carriage return between paragraphs and lines of dialogue (for me) makes it easier to read, because otherwise the lines and lines of text add up into thick blocks of text that can be hard to scan. Perhaps I'm just scarred from reading too many academic texts that had paragraphs that went on for pages. :P;;;
Okay, end nitpicky. I wanted to squee some more about your fic. ^_^ I really really love that line at the end with Sho being glad Ohno didn't try to pull that during the shoot. That he thinks that was a plausible Ohno-action just...;_; That's really hilarious, and totally Sho's life. Ohno's dialogue is seriously evil and awesome. ^_^b
...<.< So your part seems to merit an Ohmiya bit. Sounds like they either conspired to get the others hot and bothered, or they had some of that telepathic connection of evil. :P I'm working on the Sho/Jun part, and I think it's going to end with them trying to get some "revenge" but I'm not sure what form that's going to take yet...
and to finish this loooooong replay, thank you! For the conversation and everything. ♥
*zips off to write*
RE: Your ficlet: Yay for ficlet getting longer! ^-^ Long, well-written fics are the best! ^-^
Also, of course I'll look it over with you! It will be my pleasure! ^-^ And no, I don't mind you posting here at all. *snuggles*
I... am kind of in love with the idea of Aiba and Nino gamer fic. And it has PORN. *_____* (Though now I imagine what the other three are doing while Nino and Aiba are together. XD The most likely thing is 1.) fishing, 2.) reading newspaper and 3.) working out sets for the next concert; but wouldn't it be absolutely funny if it was 1.) letting Jun undress him, 2.) having vapours and 3.) using the chance to get it on with Ohno while Nino's not around? XDD)
Re: nitpicks:
Uhm, okay, about number one... that one is because we actually had different visuals in our minds! ^^" I read "Ohno grabbed his hips and spun him around to slam against the door in his turn" and somehow, in my mind this equated to not only spinning Sho around so that he's against the door, but also spinning him around himself, so that Sho ends up facing the door! ^^" So the whole thing was written in the mindset that Sho was facing the door. v-v" (Though the "back to the door" thing explains how Sho could smack his head into the door - I actually thought you meant he smacked his forehead into it, since that's something Sho would probably somehow manage to do. XD)
But luckily, it seems to be only this one part where it's very obvious that my visuals were different from yours, so that's easily changed! (It also makes the whole "Ohno nibbling on Sho" bit easier - I actually had to write the part you mentioned, just to get Sho's jaw into the reach of Ohno's mouth. ...yes, I'm a pretty visual person. ^^")
I just looked and if we just change the paragraph (and the beginning of the next one) to this, it should work:
"Sho gave up any attempt at speaking and braced himself against the door, throwing his head back and letting the noises he'd been trying to keep in flow freely from his mouth.
Humming in pleasure at Sho's compliance, Ohno leaned forward a bit and started to put little kisses on Sho's jaw and neck."
If Sho braces himself against the door, then it would also be a sort of explanation why, later on, his hands scratch over it, or pound on it, instead of (the more natural thing in this position, I should think) grab onto Ohno.
And the thing with the formatting - yeah, that's something I really struggle with. I used to put in a lot more spaces, but then I didn't know what to do about the parts where I really WANTED spaces, to emphasize something, and I also wondered whether it wouldn't be annoying for people to read with so many spaces, so I reduced them. But I'm still not quite sure about how many spaces are too little and how many are too much. ^^"
(Randomly I just noticed that I wrote "chocked" instead of "choked". *headdesk* I promise, I wasn't thinking of Sho being stuck somewhere... v-v")
I really really love that line at the end with Sho being glad Ohno didn't try to pull that during the shoot. That he thinks that was a plausible Ohno-action just...;_; That's really hilarious, and totally Sho's life.
THE STORY OF SHO'S LIFE. In five chapters, only one of which belongs to him. XD (Though he's wrong, of course. Ohno would not do something like that during a shoot. Ohno, Nino and Aiba together might, though. XD)
Sounds like they either conspired to get the others hot and bothered, or they had some of that telepathic connection of evil. :P
Who knows? XD I seriously think that Ohmiya have some amazing telepathic connections (especially when they just ...look at each other for long moments and then both turn away without a word being spoken), so it might be that. Though the first part... would be something very Ohmiya to do, really. XD
I give the thanks right back! It's a lot of fun to talk to you - and I even get fic out of it! ^__^
Ahhh, okay! So let me take out the "in his turn" then, would that make it clearer that Ohno switched his and Sho's positions? I have this horrible failing (probably due to too many academic papers) of being excessively wordy and convoluted. -_-;;;
re: spacing, I've found a single space of blank between each change in speaker helps make it clearer. As for more *shrugs* That would be more up to your personal style, right? ^^
(Though he's wrong, of course. Ohno would not do something like that during a shoot. Ohno, Nino and Aiba together might, though. XD)
AHAHAHAHA POOR SHO. Hey, did you ever read that fic, "Things to Do During Photoshoots"? It showed up when darkeyedwolf was calling for Arashi orgy porn. It killed me soooo dead.
...fic continues. But! "Nino is probably cahoots with the other two idiots" is *definitely* not a Jun turn of phrase. Any suggestions for alternate wording? It's that cahoots thing. It just sprang to mind, but that's more something Aiba-ish, maybe?
I'm getting to the porny bits, and I'm terrified. orz. It's so awful, I'm trying to not be cliched and purple prosy and I'm not entirely sure it's working. -_-;;;; I'll post it once I've got to the end of the porny bit, perhaps later tonight if I can just pound through it and edit later. :P
continued from earlier part...
He wrapped his arms around Jun's waist to support him, and was surprised to feel him still trembling with tension.
"I'm sorry to tell you this, Sho-kun, but your best friend is an evil little ferret," Jun muttered, his breath just stirring the hair at the back of Sho's neck. Sho shivered almost imperceptibly.
" not news." Sho sighed. "What is it this time? I thought I confiscated all his 'special gifts' after last month." Sho started running his hands up and down Jun's back to try to work out the tension he could feel there.
Jun leaned a little harder on him, responding to his touch. "Mmmph. No, this is standard true evil, no accessories necessary. The weasel might be [in cahoots with/in league with?] the other two idiots. He spent the whole shoot looking perfectly innocent and acting like a good little idol for the cameras. But then he'd whisper about what he and Aiba got up to during their shoot in excruciating. Detail. And then kept putting his limbs in carefully appropriate places! Dammit, I refuse to let Nino provoke me into jumping him!" As he spoke, Jun's grip on Sho's shirt (and shoulders) grew tighter and tighter, and Sho couldn't hold back a wince as Jun's rant ended on a growl.
He was so focused on trying to soothe Jun out of his Nino-induced tension that he didn't quite follow when the atmosphere of the kitchen changed, and then Jun bit down on his ear. Sho inhaled sharply, both in surprise as he realised (a little late) that Jun's anger-tension had been liberally mixed with another kind of tension, and in the sudden rush of heat that washed over him.
"Wha--? Wait, wait, so you don't want Nino to have the satisfaction so you're jumping me?" Sho's head hurt a little trying to follow this logic, but that didn't stop him from clutching Jun's hips to hold him in place as he mouthed along Sho's jawline to settle on his pulse point. "Mmmmrgh."
Jun pulled back then, uncertainty, [determination? stubborness? defiance? argh, word choice] and desire chasing their way across his face. "I--yes. Problem?"
Sho smiled affectionately at him, the nonchalantly replied, "No, just so long as we're clear," as he made sure to get a better grip and rolled his hips against Jun's, enjoying the other man's full body shudder. Jun growled and attacked him with renewed vigor, sucking hard on his neck and slipping a leg between Sho's own.
Sho smacked his head against the wall at the onslaught of sensations, but that had the side effect of clearing his head a bit. Dammit, I've been slammed into walls and manhandled all day. Enough. (Admittedly Aiba leaping on him to hug him into a wall this morning, with Nino joining in to make the pile heavier, wasn't quite the same, but...) Sho struggled to focus. At least by this time his hands had moved of their own volition, making their way under Jun's shirt to skirt his ribs and slide under the other's waistband.
Unfortunately Jun got the same idea at the same time as Sho and their hands got uselessly tangled together trying to get each others' belts undone. Jun leaned forehead to forehead with Sho, breathing unsteady and body shaking this time with laughter.
"Geez, we're not even drunk yet." He slapped Sho's hands out of the way, which was totally unfair, but then he got rid of the obstacles of belt and zipper in record time and Sho was smacking his head against the wall again.
Sho could hear Jun laughing, low and velvety, some comment about protecting his head, and did his best to pull his mind together while absolutely not making any sort of embarrassingly needy sounds. He was very proud of himself for being able to turn his head and capture Jun's lips to swallow any forthcoming comments, and then success! Sho managed to deal with the front of Jun's jeans and then he had Jun's cock hot and hard against his own, their hands tangling together again.
It took a moment but the two of them found a rhythm, slick and fast and good with a bit of grinding mixed in, until Sho gave up on kissing Jun properly to pant into his mouth, and breathe in Jun's hitches and gasps and moans that he was still trying to keep in.
"C'mon, let go, I want to hear you," Sho breathed against Jun's lips as he twisted just so, and Jun came with a sharp cry, his shared grip on Sho's cock tightening almost painfully and then Sho's vision went white.
When Sho was able to gather his scattered wits together he found himself half-sitting on the floor, Jun flopped in his lap, their legs as tangled as their hands.
"At least Jun isn't nearly so tense anymore," he said, free hand back to stroking up and down Jun's back.
"No, but I still blame this on Nino," Jun replied with all the injured dignity of a cat, even as he wriggled a little under Sho's ministrations. Sho decided to enjoy it while it lasted, soon enough he knew Jun would be complaining about getting glued together and run away to the bathroom.
"If it makes you feel any better, think of it like this. The way things turned out, apparently this time Ohno wins." Sho grinned at Jun's face.
orz orz orz. Soooo bad. Pacing is sooooo bad. Please help. XD Also this bunny is telling me that from here, it's going to involve Sho and Jun strategizing, which should properly send a jolt of unknown terror through the other three. I think the plan is they're going to gang up on Ohno, and the three of them combined should be able to take on Aiba and Nino later.
OH GOD YES PLEASE!!! *__________*
OOC ALERT! *blares sirens*
Jun couldn't manage any words for several moments, though he did smack Sho just on general principles (not too hard, all things considered). He finally got out a half-admiring, half-rueful, "That little bastard. I forget sometimes." His expression went darkly amused, ready to be entertained as he asked, "So what did Leader do to you?"
Sho sighed. "He groped me in the middle of the photo shoot." He pinched Jun for his snort of laughter, and continued, "I would be inclined to think it was a bit of revenge for all the times we've been groping him on national television lately, but then he blindsided me after the shoot and told me it was a game between him and Nino afterwards."
"Wait, so when I grabbed you in the hall, that well-molested look wasn't just from the shoot..." Sho nodded, flushing a little from the memory. Jun sat up straight in Sho's lap, eyes flashing. "Well, if they're going to be playing us, we shouldn't let them think they can just get away with it."
"Hmmm, give them a taste of their own medicine? That's going to be a challenge, remember the last time four of us tried to get back at Nino for his Ni No Arashi? And that was televised. We had help from the staff." Sho would love to turn the tables on the tricky imps, bu what would be suitable? That wouldn't result in messy public humiliation by Nino later?
Jun's eyes were unfocused, his hands absently kneading at Sho's hips as he was apparently lost in happy thoughts of revenge schemes. Then his attention shifted back to Sho, a wicked smile curling his lips. A rush of heat and dread went through Sho. "I think I have a plan."
"Please let it not involve public nudity and other actions that will get us fired," Sho pleaded.
"That's something you should be saying to Nino or Ohno," Jun sniffed. "But I agree. And it shouldn't be my place because that will make Nino suspicious for sure. How's your availability?" Jun purred at him.
"Ahhh...this weekend the rest of the family will be off to the countryside to visit relatives. This isn't going to end up with my house trashed, right?" Sho warily wondered what Jun could possibly have in mind.
"...probably not. I need to get my hands on some rope though. Or scarves. You'd better be the one to approach Ohno, and once you get him, that'll reel in the other two." Jun smirked.
"Oh god. Oh god ohgodohgod. Am I thinking what you're thinking? Do I want to be thinking what you're thinking? So Ohno as bait. Nino's going to make our deaths long and drawn out, you know," Sho moan, eyes closing with a building headache as he contemplated what he was getting into.
Jun grinned like a shark. "But it will be SO worth it."
"Aiba too?"
"Of course. Besides, he sounded like he was in on it."
"Of course. It's going to take both of us to take him. And we'll have to get Nino first, he'd be too suspicious otherwise." Sho cocked his head in thought. "So...let's say a party because we haven't gotten together in ages. Ohno needs to come first to make sure he doesn't forget or get lost. Jun's in charge of drinks and helping me set up, which combination should get Nino here pretty fast. He can bring games, we'll have to be careful not to damage them when we jump him. And Aiba to bring some food, so there'll be enough of a time gap to secure Nino before we need to deal with Aiba." Sho frowned, trying to figure out if he'd forgotten anything. "Mmmph!"
Sho shifted Jun around in his lap. He arched an eyebrow. "'Discuss'? By all means. But," he winced, "let's get cleaned up first? And move to your bed instead?"
"Ahhh, perhaps we need to start calling you the old man, then," Jun teased as they made their way towards the bedroom. "At least on a bed you'll be less likely to bruise your head."
I think I'm too attached to my dialogue or something. I get the feeling a lot of it needs to go, but I'm not sure what would be good. This part feels the most wordy and pointless, but I want it as a transition point/to be continued sort of bit, since I'm going to be ambitious and also the narrative demands Sho/Ohno/Jun with thwarted Aiba and Nino in there. :D So yeah, this part sucks a whole lot, so I'll be working on it some more. Any suggestions you have would be great, if you've got the time. ^__^
Hope you're doing well, I'm having a blast reading your comments in the Maou discussions, btw. ♥ Mmmm, meta umai! Someday I'll have the brainpower to contribute, but Episode 3 was pretty damn awesome and I'm working on downloading Episode 4. And wow, Naruse is showing a lot of emotion lately. (though I kept trying to figure out how sincere his liquid eyes were in the church scene with Shiori's mini-breakdown. aorijaoigar Ohno you and your empty eyes are now making me douuuuubt. @_@)
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