5 Questions Meme

Jan 29, 2011 16:52

5 questions meme:

- Comment with the name of any US president, and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

My answers )


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keerawa January 30 2011, 22:29:38 UTC
Now that's interesting! *hugs*
1) What's your favorite historical time period/culture?
2) What do you do for fun, unrelated to fannish pursuits?
3) Tell me something you've done, been, or accomplished that you are proud of.
4) What about your family?
5) Tell me something else that i should know in order to get you.


write_light January 30 2011, 03:11:00 UTC
Mmmm that mahogany really works for me - it's almost like copper, one of my faves. Very similar color tastes to mine. I also love vivid colors - this fuchsia/shocking pink color, and the olive color of this hillside.

I like LeGuin very much as a person and a philosopher/thinker. I've read many but not all of her books - The Lathe of Heaven is a fun mindbender, and of course Earthsea. Neil Gaiman is someone I like but haven't returned to yet, although American Gods had a clear influence on my fic (and on SPN).


keerawa January 30 2011, 22:30:23 UTC
The flower both attracts and repels me, in equal measure. And 'The Lathe of Heaven' is another outstanding book by LeGuin, agreed.


luzula January 30 2011, 10:20:22 UTC
Well, I'll just go with the present one: Barack Obama. Ask away!


luzula January 30 2011, 10:33:38 UTC
Oh, and I also love Le Guin's books! Not so fond of Heinlein, though.


keerawa January 30 2011, 22:38:52 UTC
Heinlein's definitely a different flavor, and a product of his times. But the wide-eyed, enthusiastic 'What if' of his work really appeals to me.

1) What do you love about your home?
2) What would be the job description for your ideal job? Don't let pesky reality get in your way.
3) What's a common misconception people have about you?
4) You're an author, singer, and pod-ficcer in a second language. I'm so impressed! What's that like for you?
5) When things start to go wrong - perhaps you're stressed-out, over-tired, etc - how does your body express it's warning signs?


luzula February 6 2011, 20:42:46 UTC
Meme answers! Better late than never.


rodlox March 22 2011, 21:40:18 UTC


keerawa March 23 2011, 02:01:00 UTC
Heya Rodlox!

1) What would be your ideal job, realistic or not?

2) What's the most difficult or frustrating experience you've had in fandom or with writing?

3) What's a common misconception people have about you?

4) Are you currently involved with anyone? Details are welcome, but not required!

5) What's your favorite charity, and why?


rodlox March 23 2011, 06:58:06 UTC
great fun!. thank you.


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