5 Questions Meme

Mar 23, 2011 02:57

Keerawa asked me five questions from a meme:

5 questions meme:

- Comment with the name of any US president, and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people question.

>1) What would be your ideal job, realistic or not?
To be honest, I have no idea.

I want to say anthropologist. No, more than that, a linguist.

>2) What's the most difficult or frustrating experience you've had in fandom or with writing?
Not many things are scarier than watching a Race-Fail debate going by. (a computer dying, though, ranks up there)

But for sheer frustratinglyness, its those times that you're writing a story, and then it dries up and you can't think of anything else to write. Then, a week later, it comes back to you, only to abruptly vanish after you write down three words from it. Repeat as happens.

>3) What's a common misconception people have about you?
Back when Enterprise was in its initial run, people thought I was a woman. I suppose "Rod" and "Rodlox" sound feminine to some people.

But lately? In the past year? *thinks* Nothing comes to mind.

>4) Are you currently involved with anyone?
Sadly (and appropriately) no - I am not worthy of anyone.

> Details are welcome, but not required!
And also requiring a pre-existing involvement. :)

>5) What's your favorite charity, and why?
This may sound dumb, but my favorite charity is one that gets the money to the people who need it.

(you mean like out of "help_haiti, help_brazil, help_pakistan" etc, right? or did you mean the Red Cross - because if that's what you meant, then the Red Cross & Red Crescent family are my favorite...i like them, I know them, and I've seen their work)

thank you for the questions.

memes, meme

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