Lighthouse Challenge 7: Food Glorious Food

Sep 09, 2019 19:39

Fandom: dc universe /dc superhero girls
Character: Harley Quinn
Recipe: Harley Quinn's kaboom candy

Kaboom candy"

orignal recipe homemade poprocks

DIY Pop Rocks
Level: Easy
Recipe adapted from The Daily Meal

What You Need

3 tablespoons confectioners' sugar
1½ teaspoons baking soda
¼ cup plus 2 teaspoons citric acid, divided
2 cups granulated sugar
⅓ cup honey
⅓ cup water
Gel or liquid food coloring (your choice of color)

Baking sheet
Small bowl
Spoon for mixing
Candy thermometer
1. Prep the Baking Sheet
Dust the bottom of a rimmed baking sheet with the confectioners' sugar. Be sure to coat the surface thoroughly.

2. Mix Baking Soda and Citric Acid
Combine the baking soda and ¼ cup of the citric acid in a small bowl, and mix gently to combine. Set aside.

3. Heat
Clip your candy thermometer to the side of a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, or have your instant-read thermometer at the ready. Place the sugar, honey and water in the pan. Stir to combine. Place the mixture over medium heat.

The mixture will progress from quite sandy to liquid to vigorously bubbling. Once it starts bubbling, begin monitoring the temperature closely. When the mixture reaches between 295 and 300 F, remove from heat.

Pro Tip
If at any point you notice granules of sugar sticking to the sides of the pan, brush them down with a slightly wet pastry brush.

4. Whisk
Immediately stir in the baking soda and citric acid mixture and the food coloring. Whisk until everything is combined. Work quickly, as the candy will begin to set rapidly.

5. Spread onto the Baking Sheet
Pour the candy onto your prepared baking sheet; try to coat the sheet evenly, as the mixture is a bit difficult to spread with a spatula (though it can be done; it will just look a little messy). Sprinkle the top of the candy with the remaining citric acid right after spreading (as it won't stick once the candy sets).

Keep in mind: If your candy layer looks uneven or ugly in the pan or appears speckled by spots of sugar or citric acid, don't worry. You will literally be crushing it in the next step, so the visual appeal isn't too important at this point.

6. Let it Set
The candy will set rather quickly, between 20 minutes and an hour depending on the heat and humidity in your kitchen. Break off a corner; if it's brittle and breaks off easily, you're ready to move on to the next step.

7. Break it Up
Break the candy into large shards to make it easier to handle, and transfer it to a large freezer bag (or divide it between two bags). Force out any extra air and seal the bag(s). Gently roll a rolling pin over the candy mixture to crush it.

Store in airtight containers at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

Popping the Questions
Citric Acid Sounds Scary! Is It?
Don't worry, it's not going to burn a hole through your spoon. It's simply a fermented citrus by-product that's used as a flavoring and natural preservative.

Citric acid can be tricky to find - not because it's rare or exotic or expensive (we bought it for less than $2), but because different stores stock it in different areas. You might find it with the canning supplies, since it's frequently used in canning. Or look in the baking aisle. While you may not see it at all grocery stores, your local superstore (Target, etc.) is likely to carry it, or you can buy it online.

Do I Really Need a Candy Thermometer?
Yes. It doesn't have to be a fancy one, but you'll need to be able to monitor the temperature of the candy to ensure it will set firm.

I Don't Like Honey. Is There a Substitute?
Sure. Swap in the same amount of corn syrup

Harley loved playing pranks, but Ivy was sad. She hated seeing her girlfriend like that so she thought it was time for her famous or maybe infamous kaboom candy. She hoped it would cheer her up, and maybe make her smile. Ivy was sad because she had gotten a bad grade in her botany class for showing off. So after their last class, Harley went to the community kitchen and started making her red and blue candy. By the time she was done a lot of of sugar and other ingredients were all over the kitchen in what looked like an explosion and that was what the goal was after all. So now all she had to do was take it to Ivy, hoping she would forget her bad grade. And when she did find her and surprised her, Ivy was more than happy, she was more than grateful. She held Harley in her arms and said, "Thank you for the kaboom candy, baby.”

user: emmatheslayer, challenge 07, writing, recipe, cycle 01, graphics, fanfic

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