Nov 19, 2004 23:32
So i was driving in the fast lane coming home from work tonight when i noticed there wasn't anyone else in the fast lane, but in all the other lanes there were lines of cars all about a car length away, and i thought "hm, thats odd, its like they know something i don't" just then i saw the headlights. Of course i was doing 80, cause thats what i always do, so i got pulled over, but i didn't get a ticket and i think it was mostly because i complained about working a twelve hour day and it was obvious that i work and half-way live in my car because there was all kinds of work crap: water bottles, a coffee cup, my call sheets, my day planner, my briefcase thing, clothes...etc. i thought it was a comical sight. Anyways, i had that feeling and that thought that something wasn't right, and i was right! you should always trust that little feeling you get. i should've learned that when i was grossly attacked so many years ago, and i could have prevented it, cause i saw it coming.
So lately i've found myself wanting to like someone so much that i've started becoming attracted to greg. (he plays ephram on everwood, where i work) I've never really found him that intriguing, but i guess i'm just getting that desperate. so i tried actually talking to him and i came to the conclusion that he's not an asshole (as i previously believed) but the word to describe him would be uninviting, or unwelcoming. Its not that he shuns talking to others, he just doesn't get excited about it and he doesn't stick around he just talks for a second and takes off like he has something more important to do. on set yesterday i was sitting on the ground on 25th street where we were filming and on of the make-up ladies came and said something like "oh honey get off the ground your to good to sit on the ground" to which i decided... I will never be to good to sit on the ground. i'll bet greg thinks he's to good to sit on the ground.
I must sleep now. i hate that its friday and i get off work at 11:30 and all i want to do is check my mail and go to sleep! i'm so lame. As a 19 year old, i can not be working 60 hours a week! its just not safe. well i'm getting a massage tomorrow! i treated myself. I'm so excited, i'm going to sleep just so it will come faster.