Monday musings

Oct 31, 2022 12:19

Today's forecast: 16C/61F mostly cloudy, although it's been a very sunny morning so far.

Sunday was a day of rest as we'd had quite a busy week - Saturday night the clocks went back an hour, so we ended up waking up at 6.30am once that had happened which was a bit annoying. We did pop out to the garden centre to buy some food for the birds, but that was about it other than doing a few loads of laundry and catching up with stuff we'd recorded on the TV.

Today it was so nice and sunny that I walked the mile and a half to my Melt class. I felt much more aligned afterwards and ended up walking back again so I've clocked up just over three and a half miles today which is good! I don't have a lot planned today, but I must sort out a few more Christmas-related things and look for birthday presents for Mr Cee (his birthday is at the end of November).  I also want to work on the Photomyne app as it now has the facility to add a family tree which is fun!   After Mr Cee finishes work we've decided to do one of the recorded Tai Chi lessons as we don't want to get out of practice.

In the meantime I'll finish off the meme for October:
30. Is there anything useful to be made of empty prescription pill bottles?
We never have any pill bottles as neither of us takes any prescription medication. If we have in the past we have always recycled the bottles as they are usually glass. If we have non-prescription medications such as cough syrups/tablets to relieve pain etc that are unused and go out of date we take them to our local pharmacy which makes sure that the contents are disposed of safely. They recycle the bottles/packaging there.

31. What are you likely to find behind your sofa?
As we have an open plan living/dining/kitchen area the dining table is behind my sofa in the 'dining' area. The sofa acts as a divider for the room so we have defined sitting area.

meltclass, meme2022, tai chi, family

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