A bit of a weird day......

Apr 13, 2022 16:46

The forecast today: 18C/64.5F cloudy. It's mostly been overcast skies with a burst of sunshine every now and again.

Today started with me catching up with an online one-off session I booked with the V&A Museum. The live session was yesterday, but as we were out in the afternoon I caught up with the recording of the session today.  The one-off was called "In Practice: Drawing Diamonds" and was run by Inesa Kovalova a Ukrainian jewellery designer based in Amsterdam who also runs courses to learn how to draw gems for artists or jewellery designers or anyone interested in drawing stuff (like me!).

Under the cut for some details and photos!

The session was 90 minutes long and it just flew by! We started off by looking at materials and examples of work by others and by Inesa herself.

Examples of illustrations for jewellery designs (clicky for detail):

We then moved on to looking at the structure of a diamond and how it reflects light as well as what shadows are created on the surface and within the stone itself.

Once you have created the depth of the stone, you then add the facets and the highlights according to where the light source is coming from.  She was using guache to paint with and gave us lots of hints on how to use the paint.

It was fascinating, and I did have a go myself, but I haven't got the dark paper she was using, so my diamonds didn't look as impressive. Now I have the technique I can appreciate all those wonderful jewels in the paintings I got to see every now and again, and I might even have a go at drawing more diamonds another day.

That took me up to lunchtime and after lunch, we set off on the train and tram to the garage to collect our new electric Smart car. Except we didn't because when they came to valet the car this morning there was a small dent in the frame. We got there and they could not have been more apologetic - the dent can be repaired very easily (it's tiny!), but they couldn't get anyone to the garage to do that before tomorrow.

We didn't mind too much as we have free travel on public transport, so we had a look at the new car, and then decided to leave it with them and go back again tomorrow. It's OK *shrugs*.  So off we went again on public transport - an easy journey there and back.

We were going to go Nordic walking this evening, but we decided to do the Good Friday walk this week after all the to-ing and fro-ing this afternoon.

By the way - if anyone wants to see the scale model of the plans for my town following on from my post yesterday there's a photo under the cut showing the proposed high rise buildings. I hope you can see why we don't want it in the town!

The red stuff is the proposed building work - you can see how it's out of character with the town - the main High Street is the line of buildings to the left of the red blocks coming towards the camera.

The next largest building which is shown in grey at the front of the red buildings is the College I used to work in which is 10 floors high.....

This is the model they used to test in a wind tunnel!

I have a question for today: 13. If, when you die, you found out that you have to spend eternity as a minor character in a TV show of your choosing, what TV show would you choose?
That's a long question! LOL! I'd choose to be in "Death In Paradise" - I'd like to run the bar as Catherine and enjoy being a sounding board for the police team *g*

The rest of the questions are here.

meme2022, picspam, online life, cars, family

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