A sunny Saturday

Apr 09, 2022 13:32

Today's forecast 11C/52F sunny intervals - and yes there have been sunny intervals so far!

We decided to go for a walk today in a nature reserve we haven't been to before. It was a good day for a walk, and under the cut is a short video of the 2.8 mile walk in the sunshine! We met lots of dogs on the walk who were all very happy and muddy LOL!

We came home and then walked down to the post office to send off a parcel before coming back for lunch. In all we've walked over four miles today which is good.

We checked the website of the garage that bought our Smart car - they put it straight on the market once they drove it back and added a couple of thousand pounds to the price they gave us LOL!  Our new electric Smart should be with our garage on Monday which means we can go and pick it up midweek next week *excited*.

I'm not sure what else we'll be doing the rest of today - but as it's still sunny I might spend some time in the garden!

9. How quickly do you adapt to new technology? It might take me a little while to get the hang of something very different to what I'm used to, but as I'm old (and was there when tech started to be part of everyday life) I'm usually OK! I like tech :)

meme2022, exercise, video, cars, family

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