Forecast today: 6C/42F sunny intervals - quite long sunny intervals which is lovely.
This morning I started a new four-week online course - Atkinson Grimshaw: Painter of Moonlight and More. I'd not heard of
John Atkinson Grimshaw before. He was a self-taught Victorian painter based in Leeds and has been in and out of fashion over the years. His work is related to the Pre-Raphaelite movement and extremely detailed, and he is usually remembered for his very atmospheric rainy night-time paintings. We started this week with his early work and his use of light (which reminds me of the Spanish painter Sorolla) - under the cut for an example.
You can see the Pre-Raphaelite influence with the amount of detail in each part of the painting - I personally like the little rug being rucked up.
I'm looking forward to learning more about his later work next week. That took me up to nearly lunchtime as each session is two hours, so I spent the rest of the morning vacuuming up cat hair, and most of the afternoon will be spent on housework. I didn't sleep very well last night for some reason - so I'm not going to push myself too hard today. I have today's question:
7. What is something popular now that annoys you?
Mobile phone text messages. Don't get me wrong, I love having a portable computer in my pocket! I use mine every day. I do find that people prioritise their phone above all things though. I don't like it if I'm sitting having a conversation with someone and the phone chirps with a text message, and they stop everything to have a look. The whole point of a text message is that you can look at it when you're free. I turn off the sound on my phone and I only allow it to make a sound if it's my immediate family (and they usually know I'm socialising). I think it's courteous to focus on the people you are with, and the phone should wait (JMO).
The rest of the questions are