Today's forecast: 21C/70F sunny intervals
Actual weather - OMG the odd bit of sunshine - but not enough!! We are forecast warmer weather next week which will be very welcome. It was definitely warmer than it's been and even got up to 22C/72F in the garden this afternoon. I managed to dry all the bedding on the line which always means it smells lovely and fresh.
This morning I was still working on the choreography - I have it all roughly mapped out, so I'm on track to finish it by Monday \0/
At lunch time I watched an online lecture about The Boleyns: Behind the Scenes of A Scandalous Family presented by Dr Lauren Mackay & Dr Estelle Paranque. These were two of the historians behind the BBC2 TV docu-drama series (which I've recorded and not actually watched yet).
It was very interesting - expanding on some of the things that the series covered and a bit more about current thinking about the Boleyn family history. The talk was free and arranged by The Society of Antiquities - hosted by one of their Directors John Cooper. The Society was founded in 1707 and is still going strong! You can find more of their upcoming lectures on their
website and find their past lectures on YouTube too. They also have a lot of online information such as the exhibition about
Henry VIII. It was an interesting way to spend just over an hour at lunchtime - nearly 80 people were online - far more than would have been able to attend a live lecture in their premises in London.
After Mr Cee finished work we got some groceries and did a few garden chores. We don't have much planned for the weekend - I'm hoping for sunshine!
Today's question: 3. What is one of your favorite comedy movies?
I had to think about this, but my first reaction to the question was Ghostbusters - which I know isn't really a comedy film, but it has iconic silly lines that still make me laugh ("Where do these stairs go?" "They go up." - often quoted by Mr Cee when I'm least expecting it and it's still makes me chuckle.)