
Jul 31, 2021 14:55

Today's forecast: 20C/68F Cloudy
Actual weather - yup it's cloudy for sure and we've had thunder this afternoon and rain :(

Yesterday evening's supper club at our favourite local restaurant was lovely. We had delicious food and three players from the London Symphony orchestra (who either live in our town, or nearby) played two sessions of classical string trio music for us. It felt extremely cultured LOL! We ate far too much (the portions at the restaurant are always generous) and as we walked down to town we were able to have a bottle of wine between us and not feel too guilty about eating so many calories (I managed over 10,000 steps yesterday which I haven't done for ages).

This weekend we have nothing on as our Tai Chi tomorrow has been cancelled because of the forecast bad weather (again!). So this morning we headed off to a nearby village to have a look around their antique shop. It was a shame as the shop has very little in there at the moment and we chatted to the owner who said it's been a really difficult time to keep going (not surprising!).  I hope he can get the visitors through the door!

I ended up buying a book by Robert Opie who runs the Museum of Brands in London.  I suspect the book is the souvenir you can buy at the museum and the copy didn't even look like it's been read, so I was pleased with that. We have tickets to go to the museum but we need to pick a date to go (we've been before a long time ago!).

I also bought a book based on the diaries of Marion Sambourne "A Victorian Household".  Having learned about 18 Stafford Terrace where Linley Sambourne (the Punch cartoonist) lived in one of my online courses.  Marion Sambourne kept a diary for 33 years and the book explains the social context to her entries so I'm looking forward to reading about how she ran her household and who she had to dinner! I rather like her comment on Harrods (the big London store) "dirty place, though cheap". LOL!

This afternoon we started to do a bit of gardening (I have baby figs on my fig tree!) until the thunder started and the rain came down *sigh*. So I'm going to spend some time looking through my new books.

I have a question for the last day of July today! 31. Have you ever cried in school?
I'm sure I have at some point - probably when I fell over in the playground playing with a skipping rope or something but I don't really remember it.  I have the scars on my knees still though ;)

August questions under the cut for those interested.

1. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?
2. When you make a mess are you more likely to clean it up right away, or do you get to it later?
3. What do you look forward to the most about the colder times of the year?
4. Have you ever hung your clothes out on a clothesline?
5. What is the dumbest way you’ve injured yourself?
6. If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you've ever had?
7. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
8. Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for?
9. What craft project do you want to do next?
10. Do you have any family members that you've never met?
11. When it comes to friends, what's the biggest thing you have in common?
12. Did you ever hit anything while learning to drive?
13. Do you prefer bright colors, dark colors, or pastel colors?
14. How long have you lived with the person/people you currently live with?
15. What was the dumbest thing you ever did as a teenager?
16. Would you prefer hardwood flooring or carpet in your home?
17. What’s the most you’ll pay for a pair of shoes?
18. Which flower is your favorite?
19. Which season do you think is the prettiest?
20. What is the last thing you cooked?
21. If you could live in a fictional world, which would it be?
22. Where was the farthest you’ve ever traveled from home?
23. Have you ever slammed the door when you were mad?
24. How old were you when you met your first love?
25. Were your college years the best years of your life?
26. What’s the most relaxing thing you did today?
27. What do you usually drink with breakfast?
28. How many closets does your house have?
29. What year is your car?
30. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?31. Do you have a garden or outside space?

tai chi, gardening, new365meme, reading, outings

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