Jul 22, 2021 17:56
Weather forecast for today: 27C/80F and sun ☀️☀️☀️
Actual weather: 33C/91.5F and SUN! ☀️☀️☀️
I woke up at 6am because the birdies were shouting outside the window and I was really thirsty. I think I had wrapped myself up in the bedcovers at one point last night as I remember being really hot at one point LOL!
I got up and fed the kitties who all purred at me. I even managed to catch Lady who turns into a feral cat in the summertime and is scared of all.the.humans!!! (she's 10 next month, you would have thought she would be past this phase every year!). Fortunately she's very submissive once caught and I needed to check her over as she's been limping with one of her front legs for the past few days. I couldn't find anything obviously wrong, so I'm hoping she's just landed awkwardly when she's jumped off something high. I'll keep an eye on her (and she'll be fine once the weather cools down and she wants cuddles again - in the winter she turns into a lapcat again *eyeroll*).
At 10am Mr Cee was having a quiet work day so he joined me for the online Tai Chi lesson. An hour of 3 sets of the moves (18 exercises in each set, repeated 6 times each). By the end of that we were very hot - and Mr Cee went 'back' to work and I did some website stuff for the bellydance mentor. We were about to stop for lunch and the website I was working on suddenly stopped responding. I hate it when that happens - so I took a break to put some sourdough pizza dough on for it's first prove, and the webstie was OK about an hour later.
At 2.45pm I stopped and we went grocery shopping as our neighbours are coming over tomorrow for homemade pizzas for dinner and we needed all the stuff to put on those. It was lovely to be in the air conditioned supermarket - everyone was still wearing masks \0/
When we got back I made fresh pesto, some creme patisserie for fresh fruit tarts (dessert tomorrow), and got the dough sorted out and popped in the 'fridge for it to prove for the second time ready for tomorrow.
Now, it's too hot to do much, so we are relaxing and dinner will be something simple. Tomorrow the temperature is supposed to drop which I'm rather looking forward to!
Today's question is: 22. Do you let your hair air dry or do you blowdry it?
I use a towel to get as much water out as I can and then leave it to dry by itself. In this weather it's dry in about 30 minutes LOL!
tai chi,
online life,