The weekend went by and suddenly it's Monday all over again. Sunday was pretty miserable, so we did some gardening, we ate too much, and we went out to a garden centre a little further away than the usual one and we found some acquatic plants! Yay! I was after oxygenating plants that just sit in the pond container and help keep the water sweet, so that was good.
These are the 'ponds' - they are containers with water in, but I have a tiny solar fountain in the barrel which is cute and now I've adjusted it not to spray all the water out it's nice to have water trickling.
The first one I got a few years ago. With a new plant in it nestled amongst the pots with Spring flowers in.
This morning I woke up with a 'start' at 5.30am with my heart hammering! I don't know what woke me up, but I got up in the end as I was so awake! Zero was very happy to see me. There were many cat cuddles and purrs.
At 10am there was the last of the online Portraiture course which covered modern art and portraiture (including 'portraits' where it was very difficult to see what the sitter actually looked like - I'm looking at you Picasso!). Always fascinating stuff and I've very much enjoyed the last 7 weeks with the tutor. I'm on her mailing list to hear about future online courses which I'm really pleased about as I really enjoy the way she delivers and follows up the courses (each session has an 8-10 page handout with all references and footnotes etc!).
This afternoon I've been in the glass studio making up a couple of orders from my Etsy store. In the background I had the last of the training I was doing last week running on my iPad so I could catch up with that. Never let it be said I can't multitask.... It was lovely and sunny (and chilly) all day, so in the afternoon Mr Cee and I sat on the deck and enjoyed the sunshine for a bit.
This evening we have Tai Chi - we are learning a new 'shibashi' (a sequence of moves) this one has 24 different moves to learn - eek! We've already gone through shibashi 1, 2 and 3 (all of which have 18 moves each). It's a workout for the mind and memory as well as the body!
I have questions:
21. What parent are you more like?
I look very like my Dad (or in fact very like my Grandmother, his Mother). My temperament is more like that side of the family too - I think my Dad would have been very academic if he'd been given the chance. He was always taking stuff apart, learning how to fix things and so on, but he was dyslexic and his education coincided with WWII, so he didn't have much chance for formal education. I'm nothing like my Mum - she was a fairly disorganised person and used to drive me crazy frequently....
22. Do you have a preference on name brand vs store brand?
Very occasionally there are a few things where I'd prefer to buy a named brand (Heinz Five Beans!), but generally I like the store brands of things such as flour or staples like tinned tomatoes unless it's a special case (I buy
nitrite free bacon for example and no store near me has that as their own brand yet).
Local active cases are down to 157 (57 fewer than last week). We are now at 363 days since the first full day of lockdown in 2020 and up to day 74 since the last full lockdown which is still in force pretty much.
There are mutterings about what to do about allowing people into different countries and how that's all going to pan out when people are allowed to travel again to Europe. Personally I'm happy to hold a virus passport saying I've had the two vaccinations to prove it. I don't know why someone wouldn't want to do that (apparently some people are very annoyed at the concept *baffled*).