Yesterday I had a fairly quiet day because I was tired after quite a busy weekend. So most of the morning I did some much needed housework including cleaning all the wooden flooring in the house and treating it with an oil 'refresher' which has made it all look rather nice. I also managed to get out in to the garden and plant some of the poppies I bought a week or so ago as it was very warm in the sunshine. I also took delivery of another dwarf wisteria which I've put into a pot for the deck.
In the afternoon I went to see the Orthopaedic surgeon about my knee. He twisted it about a bit, prodded my muscles around my knee and then agreed I needed an MRI to look inside to see what was going on, so that's happening tomorrow. I had to fill in a long and complex form stating that I don't have any staples, non-removable piercings, a pacemaker and many, many other things so the MRI won't kill me *g*. I have a follow up appointment with the OS next Wednesday. Hopefully I'll have some idea what's actually wrong with it other than the ligament damage which is almost better now.
This morning I have been out at Art Appreciation class looking at the way pregnancy is represented in art as it ties in rather nicely with an exhibition at The Foundling Museum called "
Portraying Pregnancy: From Holbein to Social Media". It is an interesting topic as so many times in art the pregancy is disguised or inferred by symbols and other items in the portrait rather than by actually showing the shape of the woman while pregnant. We had quite a lively discussion as the art we looked at included modern day depictions such as Beyonce's photo portrait when she was pregnant with her twins.
The rest of today will be a slow day I think as I'm feeling lazy and I have some knitting to do. I found some wool I hadn't used up so I'm making more slipper socks using the pattern I had before. They are so incredibly comfortable I definitely need two pairs so one can be in the wash while I wear the other pair.
Just time for the 365 questions:
9 What’s your favorite movie quote?
"Where do those stairs go?" "They go up......"
10 What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of fear?
Fire and being trapped in it.