
Jan 19, 2006 11:54

CoP Super Set run got cancelled last night b/c no tank. Maybe I should start working on lvling PLD. >.> Well, looks like I have my weekend planned out. Afterwards I bebopped my way through the second to last stage of Splinter Cell (not including the three additional missions). It's a lot of fun playing stealth games again. It's been a while since I played a good one. I really didn't like MGS3 b/c of the camo system was so unrealistic... it shouldn't be mandatory to break "reality" like that just to be able to succeed in the game. Anyways, I'll probably hold off on playing SC:PT (got it for the PC. Hooray!) until Monday, and start working leveling PLD to 40.
Seems like Kotarou from the Negima RPOL game is out, so I'm waiting on him being assigned to someone temporarily so I can get my character introduced.
Jack's back at work, so things should be easier for me. \o/
Oh, and talked to Billy for the first time in forever! Seems like he got himself a girlfriend... :O Will wonders never cease? According to him, she's "just like you, only with boobs and prettier". My response to this was "Good, you need someone to keep you out of trouble." Heh.
And as predicted, I have been stamped as have been stamped at ninjafy as Shikamaru.
One final bit stolen from Dave and Sergio:

1. what is your middle name?
David, named after my grandfather. If I ever have a son his middle name will be Michael.
2. what size is your bed?
3. what are you listening to right now?
Down - Social Burn
4. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number?
5. what was the last thing you ate?
Plain bagel, toasted with butter
6. last person you hugged?
Aunt Lou
7. how is the weather right now?
39°F, cloudy. And it feels nice outside. O.o
8. who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Sir James
9. the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
10. do you have a G/F B/F?
11. do you want children?
Not right now... later, yes.
12. do you Drink?
13. ever get so drunk so you don't remember the entire night?
14. hair color?
Blonde head, Red beard (both natural)
15. eye color?
16. Do you wear contacts?
No. I should be wearing glasses, but I'm a slacker keep forgetting to get them.
17. favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving? I dunno... never been much for holidays.
18. favorite season?
19. ever cried for no reason?
20. last movie you watched?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (I don't go out to the movies much. >.>)
29. what books are you reading?
Star Wars: Dark Nest III: The Swarm War (such a geek)
30. piercing?
31. favorite movie?
Hard one... Lord of the Rings trilogy. (movies, whatever!)
33. what were you doing before filling this out?
Not doing work. >.>
34. any pets?
No. :(
35. dog or cat?
36. favorite flower?
Rose. I feel so unimpressive putting this, since Sergio and Dave both put something impressive like "Colocasia Escuelenta". *sigh*
37. have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
Oh yeah...
38. Have you ever loved someone?
39. who would you like to see right now?
My Dad.
40. are you still friends with your exs?
All of the ones who could be considered real girlfriends, no.
41. have you ever fired a gun?
4 years in the military? Yeah, I think I have.
42. do you like to travel by plane?
It doesn't bother me. I don't like it anymore than I hate it. It's just a mode of transportation.
43. right- or left-handed?
44. if you could be with someone right now who would it be?
No comment...
45. how many pillows do you sleep with?
One down pillow.
46. are you missing someone?
Yes. I definitely am.
47. Do you have a tattoo?
No, and probably won't ever have one.
48. do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?
This would require me to be awake on Saturdays before 11. *snerk*
49. are you hiding something from someone?
Yes. Oh lord yes.
50. do you play an instrument?
Sadly no.
Now back to work.

EDIT: Updated b/c I didn't notice that number 16 was missing. >.> Nurrrr.

video games, roleplaying, ffxi, stamping communities, life

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