Daily report

Jan 18, 2006 03:33

Bleh! Sucky day. Got into work at time (really didn't want to wake up!), and I was there maybe half an hour before my boss started having vertigo attacks. Now, as much as I bitch about my boss, I really do like him a lot and he's really cool, so I don't want anything to happen to him, so I (being his voice of reason) told him to go to the doctor. He did and went home after that... which left me to do all of the work for the day... so yeah... I didn't have lunch again. *sigh* Jack left at 10:30, and next thing I know, it's 4:00. O.o Where'd the damn day go? Grrr... so again I starve myself until I get home so I don't totally screw up my eating schedule and get hungry in the wee hours of the morning. It sucks.

Well, silverphoenix started a thread on OB about LJs, and I added mine, added a few people, and was added by a few people, so it's cool.
One of the OBers, sexytwist aka BunnyMochi, is in bleach_rating and so is ayaseyue so I joined it, and a few minutes after I finished my application, I made a guess that I would end up as Hanatarou, and my feeling was something like "Meh", but that was until I saw my second vote... I was voted to be like Keigo. =.=* I really don't like Keigo. He annoys me greatly. So suddenly Hanatarou seemed like a great option! So far my prediction is turning out correct with me sitting at 1 vote as Ichigo (what? o.O), 1 vote as Keigo (Grrr), and 3 votes as Hanatarou.
Bunny is also in ninjafy so I joined that one. My prediction on that one is either Shikamaru (b/c of my lazyness and intelligence) or Hinata (b/c of my shyness). No votes yet, so we'll see.

Well that's really it. A few other things, but it's later than I thought, so off to bed. Later all

ob, stamping communities, life

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