Weird dreams

Jan 17, 2006 11:19

Well, pretty much any dream I remember is probably going to be weird, since I very rarely remember my dreams. Anyways...

It started off with me coming to in a subway tunnel. Wandering around and looking about I realized some sort of disaster had taken place. As I wandered there was a dog caught in some train wreckage, and as I went to help it, it freed itself and ran away. So I continued wandering until eventually I found my way out, to see that I was in a subway system in Tokyo-3 which led me to the conclusion that said disaster was Third Impact (of course technically since Third Impact destroyed Tokyo-3, it wouldn't have been, but this is a dream, so whatever happened, happened), and now we were recovering from it. There was no power in town, so I found some perishable food quickly, and taking I started looking for people. Don't know how long I was looking, but eventually I was in the countryside, and I found a family living in a white house. I was greeted and welcomed to their home and invited inside. I gave them the food to store in their fridge (somehow it hadn't gone bad as I carried it around), and I was given some milk in exchange for the food. They didn't have power either, but their fridge was still cool being that they only opened it when they needed, and the milk was given b/c it would go bad soon anyways even if it was cold. I spent a little time talking to the family, when I remembered that I was on my way to high school when Third Impact hit. So I hurried away, thanking the family for the milk, and found a nearby train, sitting stationary on the tracks. It was surrounded by students who went to my school (my dream school, not my real high school), and I started wandering around looking for people I knew when I saw ddrwolfgirl (the real version, not the mithra), who I was friends with, and I waved her down and started walking over to her to talk to her. Then I woke up.

>.> I have no idea what even caused that dream. >.>a Anyhoo, enjoy a glimpse into my psyche, it's a scary place.


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