I am such a geek

Jan 20, 2006 12:06

Wheeeeee! It should arrive on the 2nd of April (stupid 1st is a Sunday grrrr). *glee* Other than when I post on my LJ while at work, I doubt I'll touch my computer for a week. >.>

And I am such a weirdo for grammar... I was typing in the name of the pic above to save it to my computer, and I got to the end, and thought to myself "no punctuation at the end, b/c Photobucket won't keep it", and as I was going to upload it, I realized I had subconsciously added an exclamation point to it's end. WTF? MUST TYPE PROPERLY! RAWR! >.> I'm so fucking weird.

Picked up F.E.A.R. and Fable: The Lost Chapters last night. Those will be my last big purchases for my new computer for a while. Haven't even installed F.E.A.R. yet, but played a bit of Fable... my life is now a little more complete. Finally a game where you can truly design your own hero, with no limitations. :O Finally will have my Caster-Swordsman mix! Yay! And I have to resist the urge to be a manwhore in that game. Hahahah!

And as much as I want to fart around with those games, this weekend gonna be working on being a shining bastion of goodness in FFXI. Want to get to at least 20 as a PLD.

Beyond that, nothing so far... work never stops... now to go get lunch. Wonder if I can ever get through one week without missing lunch? So far I've failed this year... >.>

video games, ffxi, life

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