(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 23:42

so, i know this is a little delayed, and we go on monday for the big 20 week ultrasound so i'll have more pics then (along with the announcement of boy or girl! *squee*), but i wanted to show y'all our little one at 16 weeks... we wouldn't normally have had an ultrasound then, but the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat with the doplar(turns out our kid was wiggling around too much to be able to get it... who would have thunk, me and anthony's kid being difficult, huh... :D) so he wanted to do a US just to make sure everything was all good... it was...

i was going to put a couple pics of me that we took almost 2 months ago, but i decided that i don't like them (and as the prego, i'm claiming the right to do that), so i'll have to post some new pics next week along with the new ultrasound pictures...

okay, so i have an online christmas wish that i hope everyone will help to fulfill... i want to start the baby's library, but i don't want it to just be random, so... i'm asking everyone to comment and share their favorite kid's book and a little blurb about it (what it's about, why it's a favorite, where you first encountered it, whatever...) i'll start:

the book: "love you forever"
the author: robert munsch
this was a book i grew up with, and then found again when i got older. it makes me cry every time i read it (even pre- pregnancy hormones) because it's so sweet. it's all about this mother and her son and how, even as he grows up and becomes a total pain, she focuses on how much she loves him, no matter what. the "chorus" of the book that is repeated throughout the book is,
"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be."
it's got an awesome ending, but i'm gonna let everyone go to their nearest bookstore and read it for themselves... it's worth it and it'll make you all tingly inside!

now it's your turn! :D


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