nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea...

Nov 09, 2008 02:47

... no one told me that pregnancy was going to be one long, real-life pepto-bismol commercial... (though the irony is that you can't take pepto-bismol when you're pregnant... it can cause major problems)
i've realized that they tell you little bits about pregnancy, but it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface! they tell you about morning sickness, food cravings, and getting bigger, but... they don't tell you that you'll be so nauseous that you can't eat, but that not eating is going to make you feel even sicker, so there's no real relief... and they don't tell you that during a time when you're constantly exhausted already, the nausea and lack of food make you even more exhausted (and often dizzy as well)... they tell you about food cravings, but they don't warn you that after you go to the store to buy Kraft mac and cheese at 2 am and have your husband make it, that you're then not going to be able to eat it because you suddenly realize that eating it makes you want to throw up... they tell you that you're gonna get bigger, but they don't tell you that you're gonna get bigger so slowly that nothing fits right... everything is either too big, too small, or belongs to your husband's wardrobe... not to mention, that your growing tummy causes you more pain in the weirdest places than you could ever imagine... there's so much more (back pain, headaches, fears, etc.) and i'm only at 14 weeks...
so many people talk about how much they love pregnancy and they tell you to cherish every moment because "it goes by so fast!" well, so far i'm done with pregnancy. i'm so very ready for it to be May and have the baby be here and at the same time, the whole thing seems to be dragging so badly... the time between each doctor appointment seems longer than the last... now, i totally admit that i may change my mind (and i'll admit it openly if it happens), but at this point, i just want this little one out of my tummy and in my arms...NOW!

... plus i'm really irritable and i can't sleep...


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