
Sep 18, 2009 02:55


GOSHAlso, why have all the fics I've started lately been long? I never finish long fics so really, writing them helps nobody ( Read more... )

st: ramble!verse, star trek, chaos has a tag, fic: teaser, gimme prompts

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Comments 13

kel_reiley September 18 2009, 07:49:54 UTC
i have no prompts
but i do have a party


order_of_chaos September 18 2009, 08:17:47 UTC
Your lack of respect cuts me to the quick.
And also, what? How is this my fault? I deny everything. ^_^

There's a fork in the path. Of course there is.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I...
"We should split up," says Jim.
Uh oh.
"Come on, it's just a nice, refreshing walk in the woods," Jim says, clapping Bones on the shoulder. "What could possibly go wrong?" "Isn't that a cherished Southern past-time, or something?"


Georgia is a fairy tale lurking in the broad, slow sweeps of Bones' voice: gray moss draped in tangles from the power lines and bumbled oak roots bursting from the soil; the cicada whine that pauses, startled, when a car door slams.
Mmmm. Evocative.

The only sound this planet makes is the crackling of electric trees.
Wait, what?

...used to stare at his bright blue eyes in the mirror and pretend he was high on spice.Still haven't read Dune. Library does not has. And yet I know just enough to know that that is such a Jim thing to do. And Jim and Bones and lack of mental filters are love ( ... )


kayliemalinza September 18 2009, 11:19:13 UTC
Your lack of respect cuts me to the quick.
Listen. You like it. I know this. Don't front, bb.

And also, what? How is this my fault? I deny everything. ^_^
It's the fic for a prompt you gave me! Thus, your fault. Tough noogies.

"What could possibly go wrong?"

Mmmm. Evocative.
Thanks. In ST much is made of Old Southiness but I'm like, GA isn't even like that now, much less 300 years in the future. We own cars, dammit. We don't live on no farms, neither. Also mint julep nothin', Bones drinks PBR.

...I maybe get het up about this a little.

Wait, what?

HA! I haven't read Dune either. Well, maybe a few pages from Children of Dune and I saw some of the movie. I'm relying on Wikipedia mostly.

Jim and Bones and lack of mental filters are love.

But but but two Pikes would just-- they might fight each other. And that would be awful...wouldn't it ( ... )


order_of_chaos September 18 2009, 13:28:12 UTC
I concede the point. But should you find yourself writing Pike/Pike mud-wresting (as I am sure you will not), I disclaim responsibility on the grounds that you promised to ignore the prompts this time.


... for this crime you have been sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. May God The Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy ketchup on your soul.

Alas poor stereotype. I knew it well had occasionally come across it. (Some New Zealanders live on farms! There are sheep and everything!)

Googleimaged mint juleps and discovered that they are not, in fact, iridescent green. This is tragic.

But but but two Pikes would just-- they might fight each other. And that would be awful.

...wouldn't it?


*joins in rumination*

I would watch that. *grins*
Alas. *bemoans existence of mental-filters*
For now my mind hath gone the way of kinky teacher/student BDSM porn threesomes, with obligatory tentacles riding crop and orgasm-denial as a disciplinary aid; but that would be ( ... )


circury September 19 2009, 07:07:32 UTC
It's very pleasant and soothing to get lost in your description. This is very vivid, so I try not to think to much of the worms surrounding them, or I would freak out, Yech.

I haven't read Dune either, mostly because the copy I have is in Russian. I'm a slow reader in that language, but the wording in Dune slows it down further for me to a frustrating crawl.

Feel free to ignore these prompts, but I gotta give them to you because I know you can beat up a bad cliche and make it do your bidding:
Kirk's dad didn't die in the battle with the Nerada, he got sucked into an alternate dimention and got picked up by the spaceship and timeline of your choice. Maybe eventually ending up on the enterprise when Jim is captain.

An alternate reality female Jim shows up for a very short time, makes everyone's head spin [Jim x 2 = too much exitement], including Bones, who she plants a huge kiss on, she leaves, but now Kirk's mouth shuts down his brain whenever Bones sees him. Not necessarily Kirk/Bones, I just want Bones to be incredibly


kayliemalinza September 26 2009, 07:40:17 UTC
Thanks so much for your comment! Your first paragraph there made me smile. I don't know if my writing's ever been called "soothing" before. I'm definitely pleased it comes across that way in this fic!

Needless to say, this little comment bloated my ego and made me grin wickedly: I know you can beat up a bad cliche and make it do your bidding

(The second prompt is verra interesting, btw....)


captain_bookcat September 19 2009, 07:45:37 UTC

I love the imagery, not only of Georgia but of this planet itself (the crazy-awesome weird shit that makes sci-fi worthwhile); I love Jim's nerdery. :D I like it a lot. ^_^_^_^_^

I tried reading Dune, but stopped a chapter and a half in because it was all really boring politics. :(


kayliemalinza September 26 2009, 07:47:19 UTC
Jim's nerdery is part of how I'm reconciling TOS!Kirk and Reboot!Kirk. They each, as heroes do, embody their era's values and perceptions. The idea of what constitutes the Ideal Man has changed so much in the U.S. over the past 50 years that there's a lot of mental gymnastics involved to see how these two men could have diverged from each other.

I think the boring politics of Dune stopped me half a chapter in, too, which is kind sad because nowadays? When I do world-building? THERE ARE BORING POLITICS and I freaking regret nothing.

the crazy-awesome weird shit that makes sci-fi worthwhile
DUDE. Yes. Sci-fi and fantasy and you know, supernaturalish things. And sometimes pseudo-historical things. Moar shiny, really, is the goal here.


captain_bookcat October 3 2009, 21:22:08 UTC
So you're saying that today's Ideal Man has nerdery, or is it your way of reconciling the two Kirks...? sorry, dense Vivi is dense. >_<
but intrigued by the whole topic.

I think it tends to be much more fun when it's you own boring politics. :D

Moar shiny, really, is the goal here.
EXACTLY. I mean, realistic fiction and drama and all can be brilliant, but in my worldview, at least, the primary role of fiction is to have weird shit that couldn't/wouldn't actually happen IRL. and then write it like it does happen IRL. *feels deep*


kayliemalinza October 4 2009, 14:39:59 UTC
You aren't dense, I just explained it not at all very badly. Second try:

In TOS, (because it's the 60s when people still Read Books) Kirk refers to Shakespeare several times, and has books in his quarters, and is generally a good representation of the Mature, Learned Man. Reboot Kirk, of course, doesn't go around quoting Shakespeare and was probably updating his Facebook between fistfights. But, although Reboot Kirk is in a different era (and is trying to fit a different image, since he is all Rebellious and such) he has the same root personality: smart, passionate, morally inquisitive. Early sci-fi would be right up his alley, even though he'd be (at least initially) inclined to keep that hush-hush.

Not to mention, ST is set in our future. It would be criminal to not take advantage of that! ok, I'll be honest. This is all a lead-up to an epic shipwar on the bridge. Kirk is a Harry/Hermione proponent, Uhura swears Hermione and Snape had chemistry, Chekov wonders why no-one likes Draco as much as he does, and McCoy grudgingly ( ... )


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