(no subject)

Sep 18, 2009 02:55



Also, why have all the fics I've started lately been long? I never finish long fics so really, writing them helps nobody.

Aaaaaaand here's the beginning of one such fic, because I want attention and have no respect for you people. I'm just using you to satisfy my own shallow needs, of course.

568 words, ST Reboot, Kirk and Bones. Chaos' fault.

There's a fork in the path. Of course there is.

"We should split up," says Jim.

"That's like saying 'We should swallow tapeworms,'" says Bones, and folds his arms across his chest when Jim smiles at him reassuringly.

"Come on, it's just a nice, refreshing walk in the woods," Jim says, clapping Bones on the shoulder. "Isn't that a cherished Southern past-time, or something?"

"This isn't Georgia," Bones points out. That's something of an understatement. Of course, Jim is probably imagining a Georgia that doesn't exist anymore, given how everything on Earth is slicked over and criss-crossed with roving shadows from elevated traffic. Georgia is a fairy tale lurking in the broad, slow sweeps of Bones' voice: gray moss draped in tangles from the power lines and bumbled oak roots bursting from the soil; the cicada whine that pauses, startled, when a car door slams.

The only sound this planet makes is the crackling of electric trees.

Still, there are things to recommend it. "At least it's nice out," says Jim. "Not too hot or cold, and there's no chance of rain." In fact, the air here is so dry that Jim can feel his snot go gummy.

Bones doesn't look convinced so Jim sweeps his arms out to indicate the forest surrounding them. "Even without my charming company, you can still enjoy the view," he says. "Aren't these the prettiest trees you've ever seen?" Jim is kind of in love with the trees, actually, their branches jagging upwards like broken metal wire. Symbiotic worms drape from each branch like ghastly garland, and the hollow chitin needles at their tips gleam softly when they sway. Jim really wants to get ahold of one of those needles to see if it would be suitable as a weapon, but only because the creatures remind him of "sandworms" from an old book he read as a child. Of course, he knows better than to mention any of this out loud because Bones has no appreciation or knowledge of ancient sci-fi. Jim would have to explain the reference and, since he's missing a few mental filters when it comes to Bones, he'd end up confessing that he used to stare at his bright blue eyes in the mirror and pretend he was high on spice. In response, Bones would dig up some vintage vocabulary of his own and call Jim a dork.

Instead, Jim gestures at the trees again and grins a little wider.

Bones doesn't bother raising an eyebrow at Jim or staring at him like he's crazy. Instead, Bones reaches down to comb through the grit at his feet for a rock. He hefts it in his hand a moment-it's a flaky, sediment rock with dark striations-then flings it into the nearest clump of trees.

What follows is a disgusting symphony. The symbiotic worms rear up all at once and graze against the rock with a sick kind of blackboard scratch. Needles clack furiously against each other and, when the rock is finally batted into the crotch of the tree, there erupts a fantastic storm of sparks and sizzles. Electricity arcs among the branches; the worms seize up and crackle.

Jim can see the veins glow softly in their translucent skins.

"Yeah," Bones says flatly. "The trees are pretty like a mushroom cloud."

Clearly, this is something he and Bones will just have to agree to disagree on.

That's all I have typed up for now. Soz. :/ Oh and, guys? Feel free to give me prompts so that I can, you know, ignore them and further cement my reputation for disappointment.

ETA: I posted the next teaser of this here.

st: ramble!verse, star trek, chaos has a tag, fic: teaser, gimme prompts

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