This week's rant is brought to you by COMMON SENSE

Sep 16, 2009 05:03

Dear ST ficcers:

One cannot be beamed "directly to Sickbay." Sickbay does not have any transporter circles. Alien planets do not have transporter circles. Scotty can beam people from the plant surface to the transporter room and he (barring any perfectly reasonable ship-wide limitations) can beam people from the transporter room to Sickbay but the transporter room and its nifty floor circles must be involved. Scotty is a miracle worker, to be sure, but he is reliant upon technology. No matter what the special effects budget for TOS would have you believe, Scotty simply cannot toss a handful of glitter into the air, make some wooshy noises, and call it a job well done.

Transporter room = transportation capability, people. Ironically, this is not rocket science.

Love and Kisses,

Whew. I've been sitting on that for a while. :/

In other news, I am writing a Kirk/Chekov for Muppet in which they are trapped under rubble and this somehow leads to them kissing, as you do. Thus far, the fic consists solely of Chekov and Kirk listening to Spock and McCoy bicker about getting them out. I don't know what this says about me. >>

rant, i have opinions!, star trek

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