Three ink-and-watercolors

Sep 07, 2009 07:58

I committed art tonight. Actually, I've been committing art pretty constantly for the past three weeks what with, you know, taking art classes and all, but I forgot to take pictures of my assignments before I turned them in. I'll get around to that later if you guys are interested. For now, I have three paintings I did tonight (I did another one, but I'm going to add some crazy diluted acrylic so it'll be finished at a later date.)

WARNING: The "hella big" versions are over 3,000 px by 2,000 px. Don't click if your computer is slow-witted or weak.

Title: "Shaman Tossing up Magic"

hella big version

This first pic is just black ink. I was considering adding some color, maybe yellow, just in the eyes and in the magic bubbles but I eventually decided against it. The Shaman wanted to stay classy, you see.

These next two are black ink and pink watercolor, with some initial markings with a Conte white pastel pencil.

Title: "Jackrabbit"

hella big version

I slopped a lot of water on the paper to begin with, then dropped ink onto it. Wherever the brush touched down, the ink bloomed, furred, drifted out and was generally cool to watch. The nifty speckled texture is from ink that floated on and dried up on the surface of the water puddles, then crackled and settled on the paper as the water dried up. Obviously the texture of the paper contributed to the final effect as well.

The Conte pastel is located in the head and along the back of the rabbit, if you were wondering.

Title: "Skeleton Scratching Head"

hella big version

This is a painting of a little girl skeleton wearing a dress with puffy princess sleeves scratching her head in confusion. As you can see, she is fuzzy both visually and mentally.
John (my brother) mentioned, "I like her pink hair bow in the corner."
Rene (my friend) said, "It's like she picked up some brains and stuck them on her head, then said, 'what do you mean it's not pretty?'"
I said, "It's like something Gerard Way would draw if he were an eight-year-old girl. Except he is an eight-year-old girl, so I dunno."

Looking at it now, I want to add another tiny bow at the end of her pigtail braid just so she's properly done up. I feel a lot of affection for my little princess skeleton. Maybe that's weird. Whatever, don't judge me.

The pastel shows up really well on the edges of the skull, underneath her armpit, and especially in the arm bone.

ETA: Here's a revised version:

hella big version

I keep forgetting that I haven't posted my tree fetus yet! Also, I have aprox. 12 bajillion marker doodles I can post if you guys are interested.

original art

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