(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 12:00

Haha, today is the first day of Script Frenzy and I never even wrote an outline. I'm going to have to do that soon.

Also, March was a complete wash as far as word count goes. I think I wrote like 3000 words total the whole month. Horrible.

In not-quite-related news, it's actually not a good idea to stay up late reading fic instead of going to bed. It makes getting up for that 6:00am job kind of difficult. Also, it's really hard to learn that lesson when your 6:00am job has sent you home at 6:30am EVERY SINGLE DAY this week. Because then you can just go back to bed and sleep until noon and then the cycle repeats. Ugh.

In other words, I need another job. It is a complete waste of my time to drive all the way out there, stay half an hour, and then drive back, and it doubly sucks because it's so damn early in the morning.

writing, job, script frenzy

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