More links

Mar 21, 2009 12:57

More links and things, mostly Stargate-related. It's been about a week since I last went through my feeds, so some of these are a few days old.

First, of course, check out the Stargate Universe teaser that aired last night with the finale of Battlestar Galactica.

From a couple days ago: a short interview with Robert Carlyle about SGU.

And in other Stargate news, the entire first season of Stargate SG-1 is on Hulu. So if anyone's been meaning to start watching (or watch again) it's easy to get.

Other things
I'm sure you've all heard that the SciFi Channel is changing its name to SyFy, which prompted a completely unnecessarily vitriolic response, in my opinion. Here SciFi president David Howe answers questions about the name change. Here's my take: we've known forever that SciFi is run by idiots. What I don't get is why a name change is so OMGHORRIBLE. Is it really just because the name is kind of silly? Or is it, as I suspect, that weird science fiction fan revulsion of anything of "theirs" having the possibility of becoming more mainstream? It's no wonder most people associate science fiction fans with teenage boys; the snobbery about "mainstream" media and "selling out" is so high school. Grow up, people.

The 2009 Hugo Award finalists. Check out the Short Form Dramatic presentation category. It's not much changed from previous years (a couple Doctor Who episodes, BSG, LOST), but Dr. Horrible is nominated! I hope that one wins.

whedon shows i watch, tv, sg1, stargate, science fiction, links, i hate fandom, sgu

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