
Apr 05, 2009 21:21

I currently find myself in the unusual position of not knowing what to write. What makes this so unusual is that instead of having no motivation to write, I have too much motivation. The problem with this is that it's unfocused motivation. I have about a hundred different ideas and projects running around in my head and I can't focus on one over the others. What happens is that I write one or two paragraphs of one story, decide it's crap, scrap the whole thing, write a couple paragraphs of another story, scrap it, and rinse and repeat ad nauseum.

Yes, I have Writer ADD. So instead of writing I'm blogging in the hopes that eventually my thoughts will calm down enough to focus on one project.

1. I need to write prompts for 100originalfics. I haven't written any since February, and I'm so close to being halfway done and I just need to write. I have a couple ideas for prompts but the words on those just aren't flowing like they should.

2. I could always continue to work on Prophecy's Burden, since I technically know where I'm going with it now.

3. I have a new story idea, or at least the beginnings on one, god help me.

4. I haven't started anything for Script Frenzy yet and I need to get on that.

5. I'm taking another look at the outline I wrote for the series of crossover fics I've been planning to write since October. Don't know if I'm up to it, though.

Okay, this really isn't working. I'm way too wound up and can't even focus on this. What I really need to do is go for a walk or do something else physical to burn off all this weird unfocused energy I suddenly have, but it's raining and it's not like my parents have exercise machines or anything like in the house. Argh.


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