Drabble: The View (Pride & Prejudice)

Apr 03, 2011 16:01

Title: The View
Fandom: Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice
Characters/ Pairing: Elizabeth, implied Elizabeth/Darcy
Rating/ Warnings: G
Word Count: 128
Summary: Elizabeth arrives at her new home
Author’s Note: Requested by apple_pathways .  First of a number of drabbles dedicated to my Nana.  My first time writing Elizabeth, a shocker I know but I never felt I could attempt her before.

Elizabeth Darcy surveyed her new home noting the changes in foliage since her first visit in the summer.  The light touch of frost on all surfaces added a magical atmosphere, but there was something else that gave the estate a different air.  Last time she had seen it, she had viewed it with interest as the estate of the man she had rejected and so misjudged, but now she viewed it through the rose-tinted eyes of a new bride on her arrival at the home she was to share with the man she loved.  Her eyes touched each tree and flowerbed with the beginnings of affection, but at the same time the enormity of her new position was beginning to dawn on her.  She was mistress of Pemberley.

pride & prejudice, elizabeth/darcy, austen, drabble

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