Mar 03, 2011 21:28

Title: The Forgotten Birthday
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Somewhat Merlin/Arthur or Merlin/Gwaine maybe
Rating/ Warnings: PG13, some swear words
Word Count: 1124
Summary: It’s Merlin’s birthday and it seems everyone’s forgotten.
Author’s Note: Written for the amazingladybracknell ’s birthday. See what I do for you LadyB, I write Merlin fanfic! And if you squint and tip your head it might be the teensy bit slashy ;) I’ve never written Merlin before so apologies for any OOC-ness and the rather predictable plot, lol. Enjoy!

The Forgotten Birthday

His birthday dawned bright and sunny and Merlin awoke with a smile. He bounded down the stairs and greeted Gaius.

“Good morning Gaius!”

Gaius looked at him with a glare and silently placed his breakfast in front of him. Merlin did not expect much more, Gaius was not really a morning person, but he would have liked at least a happy birthday. There wasn’t a letter from his mum either which upset him a little more. Surely his mum wouldn’t have forgotten his birthday too. But Merlin did not let it dent his mood. He bounced off to wake Prince Charmless and begin his day.

As he strode through the castle he ran into Gwen.

He smiled.  “Good Morning Gwen!"

“Good morning Merlin. You’re in a good mood today!”

“Yes I am.” His grin widened as his awaited the happy birthday wishes, but none were forthcoming.

“Right well, I’d best get on. Morgana’s in a funny mood again” said Gwen rolling her eyes.

Merlin watched with a puzzled expression as she walked away down the corridor. It wasn’t like Gwen to forget a birthday. She usually made such a fuss with cards, cake and a present of some item of clothing; he was in fact wearing the scarf she’d made him just last year.

He bashed the doors open to Arthur’s chambers and yanked open the curtains.

“Wakey wakey sleepyhead! Time to rise and shine!”

“For fuck sake Merlin do you have to shout?”

Merlin turned to find Arthur sat up in bed, shirtless and clutching his head. Merlin grinned.

“What? I can’t be in a good mood? What’s the matter with you anyway? Too much mead with Sir Leon last night?”

“No. It was Gwaine actually.”

Merlin felt a bit hurt at the idea his friends were out drinking without him, on his birthday eve no less. But he didn’t let that spoil his mood.

The day turned out pretty normal; he cleaned Arthur’s boots, helped him on with his armour, and acted as a moving target in archery practice. But Merlin did it all with a smile.

Early in the afternoon he ran into Gwaine in the main square.


Gwaine grimaced and gripped his head. “Ow! Do you have to shout so loud?”

Merlin laughed. “I wasn’t that loud! Still suffering after last night are you? I heard about you and Arthur.”

“Yeah. Top night. Somehow we ended up shirtless comparing muscles. Not sure what happened there. Still, top night.”

Merlin felt jealousy flare in his stomach again at the thought of Arthur and Gwaine spending time together shirtless. He paused for a moment imagining the scene, before shaking his head to clear the image.

“Anyway d’you fancy a pint tonight?”

“No can do Merlin. Hot date,” answered Gwaine with a wink. He then sauntered off with his hair blowing in the wind. Merlin watched him go, starting to feel more than a little annoyed at the lack of birthday wishes.

“Oi! There you are!” Arthur caught up with him and smacked the back of his head. “Where’ve you been? Hurry up, we’re going riding.”

Merlin sighed and followed Arthur to the stables.

They spent a pleasant afternoon riding through the countryside, racing each other; Arthur even let Merlin win on one occasion. As they rode back into Camelot the sun was starting to set and Merlin reflected that it hadn’t been such a bad birthday after all, even if no-one had remembered.

When they arrived back at Arthur’s chambers, Arthur pushed him through the door first, muttering something about there being hidden dangers. Merlin looked over his shoulder at him with a puzzled look about to ask what on earth he was on when…


Shocked Merlin dropped Arthur’s belongings on the floor and looked around. The room was filled with his friends, Gaius and even his mum. They were all wearing party hats, the table was full of food and drink and on the wall behind them was a banner proclaiming HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERLIN!

“Didn’t think we’d forgotten did you?” Asked Arthur as he ruffled Merlin’s hair and strode over to the table to collect a goblet of wine.

“I…I don’t know. This is great! Mum!” He walked over and hugged his mother tightly.

“Happy birthday darling,” she smiled. “It’s good to see you.”

“You too Mum.”

“Happy birthday mate!” Gwaine grabbed his hand and then pulled him into a big hug.

“I thought you had a hot date?” Merlin teased grinning.

“Ah I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” He winked at him and Merlin found himself blushing.

“Happy birthday Merlin.” Gwen presented him with a card, a neatly wrapped present and and kissed his cheek.

“Thanks Gwen.” He opened his present. “A scarf! Thank you!”

She smiled. “I thought you could do with another one seeing as you wear that one all the time. Honestly Merlin I’m sure it’s unhygienic!”

He laughed and hugged her.

He received pats on the back from Sir Leon and a few of the other Knights, and warm hugs and good wishes from Lancelot and Gaius.

He then turned to Arthur. “Did you do all this?”

“Well...yeah”. Arthur looked away and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. Merlin thought it was adorable. “Couldn’t let you get older without marking the occasion. Anyway...” He pulled Merlin into a hug, patted his back and then moved his arm up around his neck, pulling his head down and rubbing the knuckle of his other hand across Merlin’s skull. Merlin recognised it as Arthur’s standard method of demonstrating affection. “Let’s drink!”

Merlin awoke the next morning with his head slumped over the table and realised that somehow he appeared to only be wearing underwear. He sat up to find Gwaine asleep at the table opposite him and he also appeared to be half naked. Merlin sat up and surveyed the room. It was a complete mess; goblets, wine and food scattered all over the place. Sir Leon and the other Knights were passed out across the floor and Lancelot was curled in the corner asleep. Merlin noted that they all too were only wearing trousers. What the hell happened last night? He looked over at the bed to see Arthur lying across it, also shirtless. Bloody hell! What was this? Some kind of orgy? But he decided he should make a start at clearing up. Just as he was collecting some of the goblets Arthur woke up.

“What the bloody hell are you doing Merlin?”

“Err... clearing up?”

“Well don’t. You’re hurting my head. Gwen’ll do it later. Come and lie down.”

At that Arthur went back to sleep. Merlin smiled fondly and joined him on the bed; he was asleep before his head even touched the pillow.

fics, birthdays, ladyb, merlin, friends

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