Drabble: Just Dreams (Harry Potter - Remus/Tonks)

Dec 06, 2010 23:34

Title: Just Dreams
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompts: Remus/Tonks, dreams
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 307
Summary: Tonks’ dreams of a fellow Order member leave her flustered.
Author’s Note:   This is set early OOTP, you could say it’s sometime before my fics A Fireside Chat and A Walk In The Woods.  Written as a birthday present for my dear friend gilpin25 .  Sorry it’s taken so long but Chalion had taken over my brain!

Just Dreams

I’ve been having funny dreams.  Not funny ha ha but funny weird.  In fact I’m not sure funny or weird are the right words at all.  Damn red-hot sexy dreams are what they are; they’ve just left me feeling weird.  And feeling extremely weird about a certain man who features in them quite prominently.  I don’t know what’s going on in my brain really.  It’s not like I don’t like him, I do.  It’s hard not to, he’s wicked smart and funny, when he wants to be.  He’s well respected in the Order and talented and stuff.  He would have made a damn fine Auror had things been different.  So I do like, very much.  I like his company and I like to think we’re friends.  But these dreams are something else.  The worst part is I think I’m starting to let them affect me.  I find myself looking for him in a room, watching him from afar.  Admiring his tall lean form; when I’ve tended to fancy the more stocky blokes.  In Order meetings I’m distracted by his long slim fingers curled around his mug; reminded how his dream fingers feel on my skin.  When he runs his fingers through his hair; I remember him running his fingers through my hair.  I’m sure I blush.  And I’m sure Mad-Eye knows.  I’m sure he’s caught me staring.  I’m just glad he’s never said anything.  I really need to get a grip.  This dream crush is getting out of hand.  It’s not as if I really fancy him is it?  It’s all just dreams and that doesn’t mean anything.  Oh that’s Mad-Eye calling my name.  He’s caught me daydreaming again.  I feel the flush cross my face and I look up to find Remus watching me amused.  He wouldn’t be amused if he knew what I was thinking.

The End.

fics, just dreams, tonks, friends, writing, drabble, r/t

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