Fic: A Woman's Heart (Chalion - Cazaril/Betriz)

Dec 05, 2010 21:28

I just posted a fic for the first challenge at chalion_ibra!  As a R/T Writer I'm not used to having so much canon to work with as I did for this Caz/Betriz piece so it was a challenge but I enjoyed it.  Hopefully you will too!

Title: A Woman's Heart
Author: katyscarlett76
Rating & Warnings: PG
Characters/ Pairing: Betriz, Cazaril/Betriz
Take heed of loving me ;
At least remember, I forbade it thee ;
Then, lest thy love by my death frustrate be,
If thou love me, take heed of loving me.
The Prohibition
Format & Word Count: Fic, 2,191 words
Summary: Events in Cardegoss are a turning point for Lady Betriz and give her an insight into her own heart.
Author's Notes: My first attempt at a full Chalion fic, I’m not sure I’ve achieved what I wanted with this piece but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Skating close to the deadline as always so this unbetaed, all and any mistakes are mine alone.

A Woman's Heart

fics, cazaril, betriz, a woman's heart, chalion_ibra

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