Ficlet: Wonderful Tonight

Nov 21, 2010 21:22

Title: Wonderful Tonight

Fandom: Harry Potter

Prompts: Remus/Tonks, crowded

Rating: PG

Word Count:  691

Summary: At the Weasley wedding Remus spots a beautiful woman across the dancefloor.

Author’s Note: Written as a gift for my wonderful friend shimotsuki ’s birthday.

 Wonderful Tonight

Remus took his turn at patrolling the edge of the Weasley property, as all present Order members were doing, enjoying the chance for some fresh air away from the crowded wedding marquee.  As his eyes scoured the skies with the sounds of the merry party behind him, his thoughts turned to his own wedding only a couple of weeks earlier.  It was a much smaller affair but just as filled with love and joy.  He had never felt happier than that moment on the beach near his childhood home when Tonks had placed her hand in his and bound her life with his own.

As he re-entered the tent he observed the party with pleasure.  Everywhere he looked where happy faces, relaxed for the first time in months.  He collected a glass of wine and wandered through the crowd.  He spotted the disguised Harry in deep conversation with Elphias Doge and an older woman who appeared to be a Weasley relative.  On the dance floor Bill and Fleur looked every inch the young couple in love.  Dancing awkwardly not too far away from the happy couple were Ron and Hermione.  Remus smiled to see the young couple take their first steps towards romance.  Their bickering had always reminded Remus of James and Lily’s early days and he hoped they would have a happier ending.

Then across the crowded floor his eyes were drawn to a beautiful young woman surrounded by laughing friends.  Her smiling face radiated happiness and Remus felt his heart leap.  He felt privileged to call that beautiful girl his wife.  He was glad to see a smile on her face again.  The loss of her mentor had hit her hard.  In the night following Mad-Eye’s death she had cried herself to sleep and had clung to Remus all night, her arms tight around him and her ear pressed to his chest as if to ensure his heart was still beating.

Remus watched as one of the group of friends, who he recognised as Charlie Weasley, took her hand and led her onto the dance floor.  They performed a wild lively dance both laughing heartily as they spun around and around.  They drew the attention of the people around them who shared their laughter.  Then the music changed and Charlie pulled her closer, with one hand low on her back and the other clasping hers.  Remus watched as they smiled at each other and began to sway in time with the music.  He felt the jealousy rise inside him and before he could stop himself he strode across the dance floor, tapped Charlie on the shoulder and claimed his wife’s hand for his own.  His actions were rewarded by the radiant smile on Tonks’ face.

“Remus”, she murmured contentedly as she wound her arms around his neck and lent into his embrace.

Remus’ arms tightened around her as they swayed in time with the music and he pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.  At his touch she tipped her head up towards him and stretched up to meet his lips.  Remus closed his eyes and lost himself in the music, in the feel of his wife in his arms and in their kiss.

After enjoying their dance in contented silence for a while, he lowered his head to whisper in her ear.

“I love you Dora.  So very much.”

At his words Tonks opened her eyes and gazed into his.  A searching look crossed her face and she looked intently into his eyes.  She bit her lip and looked uncertain.

“Dora?  What is it?”

“I wasn’t going to say anything yet.  Not till I was sure”, she hesitated and looked down, “Remus I think.  I think I might be pregnant.”

Remus felt his heart race and he was lost for words.  Tonks looked back up at him with a tentative smile on her face.

“We’re gonna have a baby!”

Before Remus could answer, Kingsley’s patronus arrived announcing the fall of the Ministry, closely followed by Death Eaters.  Remus was able to share only a glance with his wife before they were plunged into fighting.  Discussion of their child-to-be would have to wait.

The End.

fics, remus, wonderful tonight, tonks, friends, writing, r/t

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